victronenergy / dynamic-ess

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Help us make a predefined lists of formulas #72

Open mpvader opened 1 year ago

mpvader commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

To make it easier to set a Dynamic ESS system up, we'd like to have a predefined list of formulas. Can you help us by sharing your formula? These are the fields we need to know:

For example:

dirkjanfaber commented 5 months ago

@joaofernandes You can only switch to the Node-RED mode from Node-RED, by injecting a 4 into service com.victronenergy.settings, path /Settings/DynamicEss/Mode.
In order to troubleshoot the message "The device is no longer available via the stored service path. Please (re)select the device from the dropdown and deploy again." I will need some more info (flow / screenshots). Can you file a new issue for that?

joaofernandes commented 5 months ago

I'll try to inject the value but currently the dropdown is readonly and no option is available. I'm also getting a could not read properties, which might lead to this state.

If unable to set the mode to 4 (nodered mode) I'll log a bug

magnus-jo commented 5 months ago

Sweden Bidding zone Swedish Elspot Area 3. Energy provider Greenely Premium AB

Buy price formula: p1.25+abs(0.0014+0.0741+0.0438+0.0864) Sell price formula: p1.25+abs(0.05+0.6)

Elcertifikat 0.14 öre/kWh Avgift för balansansvar 7.41 öre/kWh Ursprungsgarantier (fossilfritt) 4.38 öre/kWh Omkostnader - Elinköp 8.64 öre/kWh

Påslag för såld el 5.00 öre/kWh Skatte återbäring 60.00 öre/kWh

VAT/Moms 25% 1.25

Electricity certificate 0.14 öre/kWh Fee for balance responsibility 7.41 öre/kWh Guarantees of origin (fossil-free) 4.38 öre/kWh Overhead costs - Electricity purchase 8.64 öre/kWh

Surcharge for electricity sold 5.00 öre/kWh Tax refund 60.00 öre/kWh

2024-04-16 11_04_15-Gärdhems-Lunden Lada_m_Truck - VRM Portal priser uppdaterat
mrjjomen commented 5 months ago

Finland we have Nordpool market price anounced around 3pm for next day. Price to pay when buying electricity is as follows: (Spot price + margin) x VAT so e.g. (0,10 + 0.0039)x1,24 = 0,128836€/kWh Margin varies based on selling company about 0.39-0.90 c/kWh When selling electricity back to the grid it is as follows: (Spot price - margin) Margin can similar to buying margin or it can be without margin so just spot price as it is.

patatman commented 5 months ago

I'm seeing a price difference on the Zonneplan formula. I have it set the same as my Home Assistant Entso-e formala ({% set s = {"handling_fee": 0.01653, "energie_belasting": 0.10880} %} {{(current_price + s.handling_fee + s.energie_belasting ) | float}})

Which results in the following formula:

The Netherlands
Provider: Zonneplan
No bidding zone
Buy price formula: (p+0.01653+0.10880)*1.21
Sell price formula: (p-0.01653+0.10880)*1.21

The pricing in DESS now matches that of the app.

ErikCoen commented 3 months ago

Energy supplier EnergyZero (ditto ANWB) for NL

Prices per kWh for 1 hour

2024 Buy costs = 0.0484 Please note this is already incl. VAT

2024 Energy tax = 0.1316 Please note this is already incl. VAT

2024 Epex hourly price = P excl. VAT

2024 VAT = 1.21

For the Dutch Energy tax (price in the list is excl. VAT !!) at see:

Buy price : (P x 1.21) + 0.0484 + 0.1316

Sell price : (P x 1.21)

Sell price without “saldering” (refund purchasing costs and energy tax)

Note: Sell price (P x 1.21) + (0.0484 + 0.1316) can also be used but with the following side note! Selling price incl. discount, (refund of purchasing costs and energy tax per kWh), based on “Salderingsregeling”) can be applied if one is sure that the total number of kWh feed-in on an annual basis does not exceed the number of kWh of feed-out (delevery). If there is more feed-in then for the difference (= surplus) is the sell price is: P x VAT

Unfortunately, this condition cannot be included in the current DESS formula!

In my opinion, the ANWB formulas mentioned above and the current ANWB formula in the DESS setting are not correct for 2024, due to double VAT calculation.

I look forward to all reactions.

What about the energy efficiency of the Victron and solar devices? Should we add "* 0.85" to buy price formule?

Robbot50 commented 3 months ago

Energy supplier EnergyZero (ditto ANWB) for NL Prices per kWh for 1 hour 2024 Buy costs = 0.0484 Please note this is already incl. VAT 2024 Energy tax = 0.1316 Please note this is already incl. VAT 2024 Epex hourly price = P excl. VAT 2024 VAT = 1.21 For the Dutch Energy tax (price in the list is excl. VAT !!) at see: Buy price : (P x 1.21) + 0.0484 + 0.1316 Sell price : (P x 1.21) Sell price without “saldering” (refund purchasing costs and energy tax) Note: Sell price (P x 1.21) + (0.0484 + 0.1316) can also be used but with the following side note! Selling price incl. discount, (refund of purchasing costs and energy tax per kWh), based on “Salderingsregeling”) can be applied if one is sure that the total number of kWh feed-in on an annual basis does not exceed the number of kWh of feed-out (delevery). If there is more feed-in then for the difference (= surplus) is the sell price is: P x VAT Unfortunately, this condition cannot be included in the current DESS formula! In my opinion, the ANWB formulas mentioned above and the current ANWB formula in the DESS setting are not correct for 2024, due to double VAT calculation. I look forward to all reactions.

What about the energy efficiency of the Victron and solar devices? Should we add "* 0.85" to buy price formule?

Hi ErikCoen, yes that is possible, but in the VRM portal under Dynamic ESS settings there is an option to enter the battery costs separately

ErikCoen commented 3 months ago

Energy supplier EnergyZero (ditto ANWB) for NL Prices per kWh for 1 hour 2024 Buy costs = 0.0484 Please note this is already incl. VAT 2024 Energy tax = 0.1316 Please note this is already incl. VAT 2024 Epex hourly price = P excl. VAT 2024 VAT = 1.21 For the Dutch Energy tax (price in the list is excl. VAT !!) at see: Buy price : (P x 1.21) + 0.0484 + 0.1316 Sell price : (P x 1.21) Sell price without “saldering” (refund purchasing costs and energy tax) Note: Sell price (P x 1.21) + (0.0484 + 0.1316) can also be used but with the following side note! Selling price incl. discount, (refund of purchasing costs and energy tax per kWh), based on “Salderingsregeling”) can be applied if one is sure that the total number of kWh feed-in on an annual basis does not exceed the number of kWh of feed-out (delevery). If there is more feed-in then for the difference (= surplus) is the sell price is: P x VAT Unfortunately, this condition cannot be included in the current DESS formula! In my opinion, the ANWB formulas mentioned above and the current ANWB formula in the DESS setting are not correct for 2024, due to double VAT calculation. I look forward to all reactions.

What about the energy efficiency of the Victron and solar devices? Should we add "* 0.85" to buy price formule?

Hi ErikCoen, yes that is possible, but in the VRM portal under Dynamic ESS settings there is an option to enter the battery costs separately

I am a little confused because I saw a interesting info:

image Q: What about the efficiency losses of the battery? Dynamic ESS on VRM takes battery losses into account. The system looks at the dbus service com.victronenergy.settings, path Settings/DynamicEss/SystemEfficiency. It was set to 90 (percentage?). Is it applied instead of any modification on sell/buy price formula?

huskyte commented 3 months ago

Can someone comment on Switzerland? Here we have sort of mixed bag: Every quarter the the prices are fixed based on the mean day ahead pricing based on the quarter. So, while this is probably easiest coverd by a fixed pricing, it needs updating every 3 months. On the other hand, the help page claims DESS pricing to be implemented? Or is that only for those that specifically gone market? I know, this calculation is sort of only an approximation and I don't really understand the legislative calculation rules, but is someone willing to look into that?

JeroenKetels commented 2 months ago

Belgium Provider: ENECO Area (IMEWO - Normal) Buy price formula: (100/8760)+(0.102p+1)1.06+4.72+(15.14/365)+(41.77/35040)+(1.55+5.0329+0.2042)+(182.51/2920) Sell price formula: (100/8760)+(0.1*p-1.188)+0.472+(15.14/365)+(4.177/35040)+1.55+5.0329+0.2042+(182.51/2920)

The calculation is propable very open for interpretation. does this breakdown of the formule seem correct to you according to this document:*pqdc36*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTcyNTE2NzQwMi4xNzIxNTM4ODEw*_ga_QGTX2B6GX4*MTcyMTUzODgwOS4xLjAuMTcyMTUzODgwOS4wLjAuMA..&

The formula:


this is the fix cost per year so I have divided by 8760 quarters (because SMR3 is a quarterly time meting)?


this is the calulated energy cost.


the Afnametarief (€cent/kWh) is an extra cost depending the area you are come from and whether you have only night tarief, in this case normal.


the cost Databeheer - (€/year) is always SMR3 because otherways we cannot get a dynamic contract.


another annual cost: Capaciteitstarief - (€/kW/jaar) so again this fix cost is devided by number of quarters in a year (because SMR3 is a quarterly time meting)


additional cost for green power (€cent/kWh)

  • another special tax
  • additional energy contribution


contrbution to another energyfonds by month (2920 = 35040 querters in a year divided by 12)

Robbot50 commented 2 months ago

Belgium Provider: ENECO Area (IMEWO - Normal) Buy price formula: (100/8760)+(0.102*p+1)_1.06+4.72+(15.14/365)+(41.77/35040)+(1.55+5.0329+0.2042)+(182.51/2920) Sell price formula: (100/8760)+(0.1_p-1.188)+0.472+(15.14/365)+(4.177/35040)+1.55+5.0329+0.2042+(182.51/2920)

The calculation is propable very open for interpretation. does this breakdown of the formule seem correct to you according to this document:*pqdc36*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTcyNTE2NzQwMi4xNzIxNTM4ODEw*_ga_QGTX2B6GX4*MTcyMTUzODgwOS4xLjAuMTcyMTUzODgwOS4wLjAuMA..&

The formula:


this is the fix cost per year so I have divided by 8760 quarters (because SMR3 is a quarterly time meting)?


this is the calulated energy cost.


the Afnametarief (€cent/kWh) is an extra cost depending the area you are come from and whether you have only night tarief, in this case normal.


the cost Databeheer - (€/year) is always SMR3 because otherways we cannot get a dynamic contract.


another annual cost: Capaciteitstarief - (€/kW/jaar) so again this fix cost is devided by number of quarters in a year (because SMR3 is a quarterly time meting)


additional cost for green power (€cent/kWh)

  • another special tax
  • additional energy contribution


contrbution to another energyfonds by month (2920 = 35040 querters in a year divided by 12)

Dear Jeroen, unfortunately your formula is not correct. You can never include the various fixed annual or period costs in a kWh price!! kWh prices and fixed costs are two different things and can never be combined! Simply because the number of kWh is variable over a period (year), and fixed prices are really fixed per year!

The SMR3 meter has four separate registers (counters) for the grand totals of the four tariff periods. In another register, the amount of kWh used and the fed back into the grid per quarter of an hour is recorded.

Periodically, the grand totals and the quarter-hour measurements, including the date and times, are automatically forwarded to the grid operator, who forwards the data to your energy supplier. The four quarter-hour measurements are added together per rate type to arrive at a recording and return delivery per hour! These numbers are settled with the exchange "hourly" prices of the hour in question, including all surcharges per kWh. The billing takes place per kWh and not per 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!

VE DESS rate formula works exclusively with the variable cost! Energy suppliers charge per kWh and the associated variable costs and fixed costs and never per 15 minutes!

Good luck creating the right formula

JeroenKetels commented 2 months ago

Hi, thx for the quick reply and for giving te insight on how providers do the invoicing. I think this gives me a better look in how to deal with this. this should narrow the arguments down to 4.72+1.55+5.0329+0.2042 + (0.102xp+1)x1.06

The formula:

4,72 the Afnametarief (€cent/kWh) is an extra cost depending the area you are come from and whether you have only night tarief, in this case normal.

1.55+5.0329+0.2042 additional cost for green power (€cent/kWh)

(0.102xp+1)x1.06 this is the calulated energy cost.

Robbot50 commented 2 months ago

Hi, thx for the quick reply and for giving te insight on how providers do the invoicing. I think this gives me a better look in how to deal with this. this should narrow the arguments down to 4.72+1.55+5.0329+0.2042 + (0.102xp+1)x1.06

The formula:

4,72 the Afnametarief (€cent/kWh) is an extra cost depending the area you are come from and whether you have only night tarief, in this case normal.

1.55+5.0329+0.2042 additional cost for green power (€cent/kWh)

  • another special tax
  • additional energy contribution

(0.102xp+1)x1.06 this is the calulated energy cost.

Hi, that looks better.

Supplier: Eneco Belgium juli 2024 Zon & Wind Dynamisch

Netbeheer + Bijdrage groene stroom + Bijzondere accijns + Energie bijdrage 4,72 + 1,55 + 5,0329 + 0,2042 (Surcharge amounts in €. cents per kWh and incl. VAT) Plus (0.102 x p + 1) x 1.06 for kWh consumed (Buy prices) Or (0.1 x p - 1.188) for the injection kWh (Sell prices) (that was missing in your post :-) )

By the way, I have no idea what the amounts 0.102, 1, 1.06, 0.1 and 1.188 stand for (purchase costs and so on?). I can't find these surcharges on the Eneco rate card. Very interesting for you to find out! Herein lies the differences with other suppliers!

Please note that the p price is always the basic stock market price without VAT.

JeroenKetels commented 2 months ago

Hi, that looks better.

Thx, You are helping a lot !

Supplier: Eneco Belgium juli 2024 Zon & Wind Dynamisch Netbeheer + Bijdrage groene stroom + Bijzondere accijns + Energie bijdrage 4,72 + 1,55 + 5,0329 + 0,2042 (Surcharge` amounts in €. cents per kWh and incl. VAT)

Plus (0.102 x p + 1) x 1.06 for kWh consumed (Buy prices) Or (0.1 x p - 1.188) for the injection kWh (Sell prices) (that was missing in your post :-) )

It seems that VAT is included in the 1.06 (see later), so these can be added to the buy or sell prices

By the way, I have no idea what the amounts 0.102, 1, 1.06, 0.1 and 1.188 stand for (purchase costs and so on?). I can't find these surcharges on the Eneco rate card. Very interesting for you to find out! Herein lies the differences with other suppliers!

Please note that the p price is always the basic stock market price without VAT.

Here is an explanation of the different components:

BELPEX-H: This is the price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) on the Belpex market for a specific hour. The Belpex market (Belgian Power Exchange) is the exchange where electricity prices are set based on supply and demand.

0.102: This is a multiplication factor applied to the hourly price from the Belpex market. This factor can cover various components such as transmission costs, supplier costs, or other operational costs incurred by the supplier.

+1: This is a constant added to the result of the multiplication. This constant can be used to cover fixed costs, such as administrative and service fees.

1.06: This is a multiplication factor typically used to account for VAT (value-added tax) and/or other taxes and surcharges. In Belgium, the standard VAT on electricity is, for example, 6%, corresponding to the factor 1.06.

In Summary The formula breaks down into the following steps:

BELPEX-H: The hourly price for electricity. 0.102 \times BELPEX-H: The multiplied hourly price to cover certain costs. 0.102 \times BELPEX-H + 1: Adding a constant to cover fixed costs. (0.102 \times BELPEX-H + 1) \times 1.06: Applying a tax factor to get the total price including tax.

Robbot50 commented 2 months ago

Hi, that looks better.

Thx, You are helping a lot !

Supplier: Eneco Belgium juli 2024 Zon & Wind Dynamisch Netbeheer + Bijdrage groene stroom + Bijzondere accijns + Energie bijdrage 4,72 + 1,55 + 5,0329 + 0,2042 (Surcharge` amounts in €. cents per kWh and incl. VAT)

Plus (0.102 x p + 1) x 1.06 for kWh consumed (Buy prices) Or (0.1 x p - 1.188) for the injection kWh (Sell prices) (that was missing in your post :-) )

It seems that VAT is included in the 1.06 (see later), so these can be added to the buy or sell prices

By the way, I have no idea what the amounts 0.102, 1, 1.06, 0.1 and 1.188 stand for (purchase costs and so on?). I can't find these surcharges on the Eneco rate card. Very interesting for you to find out! Herein lies the differences with other suppliers!

Please note that the p price is always the basic stock market price without VAT.

Here is an explanation of the different components:

BELPEX-H: This is the price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) on the Belpex market for a specific hour. The Belpex market (Belgian NO NOT in kWh but in MWH !!!!!!!!!!!! Power Exchange) is the exchange where electricity prices are set based on supply and demand.

0.102: This is a multiplication factor applied to the hourly price from the Belpex market. This factor can cover various components such as transmission costs, supplier costs, or other operational costs incurred by the supplier.

+1: This is a constant added to the result of the multiplication. This constant can be used to cover fixed costs, such as administrative and service fees.

1.06: This is a multiplication factor typically used to account for VAT (value-added tax) and/or other taxes and surcharges. In Belgium, the standard VAT on electricity is, for example, 6%, corresponding to the factor 1.06.

In Summary The formula breaks down into the following steps:

BELPEX-H: The hourly price for electricity. 0.102 \times BELPEX-H: The multiplied hourly price to cover certain costs. 0.102 \times BELPEX-H + 1: Adding a constant to cover fixed costs. (0.102 \times BELPEX-H + 1) \times 1.06: Applying a tax factor to get the total price including tax.

Hi, Jeroen Presumably it's like this;

Note: The BELPEX-H price is not in kWh but always in MWh !!!!!!!!!!

Buy prices per kWh for Eneco BE 2024 dyn. is: 4.72 + 1.55 + 5.0329 + 0.2042 + (0.102 x p + 1) x 1.06 (p in euros per MWh) 0.102 x (0.1 + 0.002) of this, the 0.1 is the subfactor of Euro's per MWh to cents per to kWh and the 0.002 is Eneco's fee factor (variable purchase costs) per MWh (the Fee)

In the VE DESS formulas you have to omit the factor 0.1 because VE DESS collects, uses and displays the market price per kWh and not the price per MWh (megawatt)!!

The Buy formula for VE DESS then becomes: 4.72 + 1.55 + 5.0329 + 0.2042 + (0.002 x p + 1) x 1.06 (in €. cents)

Sell prices for Eneco BE 2024 dyn. is: 0.1 x p - 1,188 (p in euros per MWh, €. 1.1188 per MWh)

The Sell formula for VE DESS then becomes: p - 1.188 (in €. cents)

p – 1,188 (p in €. cents per kWh, reduction of injection costs Eneco €. 0.01188 per kWh = 1,188 cents per kWh)

(Again, VE DESS collect the p price in kWh and not in MWh)

Sell prices are excl. the fees and taxes! (See the tariff formula on the 2nd page of the Eneco rate card)

PS. Costs of the monthly peaks via the capacity tariff (Belgium) cannot be deducted in the kWh Buy and Sell prices in the VE DESS. This is also not necessary because the tariffs in the VE DESS are only used for the overall cost savings and for the control of charging and discharging the battery.

JeroenKetels commented 2 months ago


Thx Again for this clarification. I just have 1 extra question

If you enter this formula you get 2 nearly flat lines, but I would expect something like this.

do you have any idea how that works at Victron side?

From: "Robbot50" @.> Sent: 7/22/24 10:59 PM To: victronenergy/dynamic-ess @.> Cc: JeroenKetels @.>, Comment @.> Subject: SPAM-LOW: Re: [victronenergy/dynamic-ess] Help us make a predefined lists of formulas (Issue #72)

Hi, that looks better.

Thx, You are helping a lot ! Supplier: Eneco Belgium juli 2024 Zon & Wind Dynamisch Netbeheer + Bijdrage groene stroom + Bijzondere accijns + Energie bijdrage 4,72 + 1,55 + 5,0329 + 0,2042 (Surcharge` amounts in €. cents per kWh and incl. VAT)

Plus (0.102 x p + 1) x 1.06 for kWh consumed (Buy prices) Or (0.1 x p - 1.188) for the injection kWh (Sell prices) (that was missing in your post :-) )

It seems that VAT is included in the 1.06 (see later), so these can be added to the buy or sell prices By the way, I have no idea what the amounts 0.102, 1, 1.06, 0.1 and 1.188 stand for (purchase costs and so on?). I can't find these surcharges on the Eneco rate card. Very interesting for you to find out! Herein lies the differences with other suppliers!

Please note that the p price is always the basic stock market price without VAT.

Here is an explanation of the different components: BELPEX-H: This is the price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) on the Belpex market for a specific hour. The Belpex market (Belgian Power Exchange) is the exchange where electricity prices are set based on supply and demand. 0.102: This is a multiplication factor applied to the hourly price from the Belpex market. This factor can cover various components such as transmission costs, supplier costs, or other operational costs incurred by the supplier. +1: This is a constant added to the result of the multiplication. This constant can be used to cover fixed costs, such as administrative and service fees. 1.06: This is a multiplication factor typically used to account for VAT (value-added tax) and/or other taxes and surcharges. In Belgium, the standard VAT on electricity is, for example, 6%, corresponding to the factor 1.06. In Summary The formula breaks down into the following steps: BELPEX-H: The hourly price for electricity. 0.102 \times BELPEX-H: The multiplied hourly price to cover certain costs. 0.102 \times BELPEX-H + 1: Adding a constant to cover fixed costs. (0.102 \times BELPEX-H + 1) \times 1.06: Applying a tax factor to get the total price including tax.

Hi, Jeroen Presumably it's like this; Note: The BELPEX-H price is not in kWh but always in MWh !!!!!!!!!! Bay prices per kWh for Eneco BE 2024 dyn. is: 4.72 + 1.55 + 5.0329 + 0.2042 + (0.102 x p + 1) x 1.06 (p in euros per MWh) 0.102 x (0.1 + 0.002) of this, the 0.1 is the subfactor of Euro's per MWh to cents per to kWh and the 0.002 is Eneco's fee factor (variable purchase costs) per MWh (the Fee)

In the VE DESS formulas you have to omit the factor 0.1 because VE DESS collects, uses and displays the market price per kWh and not the price per MWh (megawatt)!! The Bay formula for VE DESS then becomes: 4.72 + 1.55 + 5.0329 + 0.2042 + (0.002 x p + 1) x 1.06 (in €. cents)

Sell prices for Eneco BE 2024 dyn. is: 0.1 x p - 1,188 (p in euros per MWh, €. 1.1188 per MWh)

The Sell formula for VE DESS then becomes: p - 1.188 (in €. cents)

p – 1,188 (p in €. cents per kWh, reduction of injection costs Eneco €. 0.01188 per kWh = 1,188 cents per kWh) (Again, VE DESS collect the p price in kWh and not in MWh) Sell prices are excl. the fees and taxes! (See the tariff formula on the 2nd page of the Eneco rate card) PS. Costs of the monthly peaks via the capacity tariff (Belgium) cannot be deducted in the kWh Bay and Sell prices in the VE DESS. This is also not necessary because the tariffs in the VE DESS are only used for the overall cost savings and for the control of charging and discharging the battery. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you commented.

Robbot50 commented 2 months ago

Hi Jeroen, Sorry I made a few mistakes in the Buy formula, the 0.002 should be 1.02 and I forgot a few hooks. Formule prices must be in €. en not in €. cents! (0.102 is the factor + var. fee for the BELPEX hourly price in MWh to kWh in euro's and the 1.02 factor is the var. fee factor for the BELPEX hourly price €. per kWh.

Note: VE DESS collects de kWh prices in Euro's! Use a period and not a comma, in the DESS formula!

Summary: Buy price in VE DESS for Eneco Belgium 2024 dyn. is: 0.0472 + 0.0155 + 0.050329 + 0.002042 + ((1.02 x p + 0.01) x 1.06) (in €. , p in €. per kWh)

Sell price in VE DESS for Eneco Belgium 2024 dyn. is: p - 0.01188 (in €. , p in €. per kWh)

Example: Let's say that a BELPEX hourly rate (converted to kWh) is €. 0,07 (7 cents), then the All-in Buy price is: 0,0472 + 0,0155 + 0,050329 + 0,002042 + ((1,02 x 0,07 + 0,01) x 1,06) = € 0,201355

All-in Sell Price: 0,07 – 0,01188 = € 0,05812

Hopefully it's correct now

JeroenKetels commented 2 months ago

Hi, I have changed the formules according to your calculations. image

I think This is working better :) This is the prediction for tomorrow, maybe this is a good reference for somebody else who want to try to use this function.

image This is added for comparisation from external source image

Thx for you efforts to help me.

PavelSkvor commented 1 month ago

The Czech Republic Provider: bezDodavatele Product: NAŠE ENERGIE (market price per hour) Distributor: CEZ Distribuce, a.s. Buy price formula (currency EUR): (p+0.018)1.21 If users use CZK: (p+0.450)1.21 For information: there is another fee paid by day: 0,166euro / day-- Not important

rattkin commented 1 month ago

The Czech Republic Provider: bezDodavatele Product: NAŠE ENERGIE (market price per hour) Distributor: CEZ Distribuce, a.s. Buy price formula (currency EUR): (p+0.018)1.21 If users use CZK: (p+0.450)1.21 For information: there is another fee paid by day: 0,166euro / day-- Not important

A co distribuční poplatky?

PavelSkvor commented 1 month ago

Ano, distribuční poplatky jsou a nejen ty, ale také např. POZE. Jsou pro všechny stejné a bohužel je v nich počítána i platba za časovou jednotku, ne jen za MWh a tím to komplikuje výpočet ve spotu (záleží na sazbě). Myslím si, že pro zobrazení grafu a získání informace o časovém okamžiku s nízkou spotřebou pro sepnutí významných spotřebičů (či naopak pro vypnutí...), je to jedno.

rattkin commented 1 month ago

V jižních Čechách je rozdíl NT/VT víc než 2 kč, víc než spot.

děkuji, Jan Müller

On Wed, Aug 21, 2024, 10:00 PM PavelSkvor @.***> wrote:

Ano, distribuční poplatky jsou a nejen ty, ale také např. POZE. Jsou pro všechny stejné a bohužel je v nich počítána i platba za časovou jednotku, ne jen za MWh a tím to komplikuje výpočet ve spotu (záleží na sazbě). Myslím si, že pro zobrazení grafu a získání informace o časovém okamžiku s nízkou spotřebou pro sepnutí významných spotřebičů (či naopak pro vypnutí...), je to jedno.

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