victronenergy / gui-v2

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Investigate single deployment with editable qml #1069

Open DanielMcInnes opened 4 weeks ago

DanielMcInnes commented 3 weeks ago

Currently, gui-v2 is installed to /opt/victronenergy/gui-v2/, along with all qml files. By default, the cerbo root partition is mounted 'read only', so a remount is needed in order to edit the qml source: mount -o remount,rw / .

The qml source files are editable on the cerbo, and after a restart, enthusiasts will be able to see the results of their changes.

chriadam commented 3 weeks ago

By default, it will load files from the filesystem, right now. In future, it would be nice if it could do some sort of checksum to determine if a given file has changed, and if not, load the type from the qrc (as hopefully that means the engine can use the cached typedata).