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D-Bus: PropertiesChanges is now called ItemsChanged #111

Closed dirkjanfaber closed 2 years ago

dirkjanfaber commented 2 years ago

See issue #96. After this, the naming changed. PropertiesChanged is now called ItemsChanged and the layout of the messages is slightly different. E.g.:

signal time=1639387465.156318 sender=:1.52 -> destination=(null destination) serial=1344 path=/; interface=com.victronenergy.BusItem; member=ItemsChanged
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "/RawValue"
         array [
            dict entry(
               string "Value"
               variant                   double 367.852
            dict entry(
               string "Text"
               variant                   string "368"

As captured with dbus-monitor --system path=/,member=ItemsChanged

dirkjanfaber commented 2 years ago

The above is not entirely true. Some services still send PropertiesChanged and some even send both (Systemcalc). It looks like the aim is to eventually move everything to Itemschanged. So for now both should be supported.

dirkjanfaber commented 2 years ago

Pushed this (together with 2 minor changes) to