victronenergy / node-red-contrib-victron

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[BUG] Gridmeter node - missing L3 Current (A) entry #172

Closed mojo2012 closed 1 year ago

mojo2012 commented 1 year ago

The grid meter node is not offering the entry L3 Current (A). The current entry is available for L1 and L2 though.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. insert the node
  2. look for L3 Current (A)

Expected behavior It is there and works.


Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-24 um 19 37 40

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dirkjanfaber commented 1 year ago

That is weird. It already got added in this commit.

So it should be there. Only thing I can think of that can cause it, is that you are checking a node that pre-dates this change. Can you check if you have L3 Current (A) when you drag a new Grid meter node to the canvas?

mojo2012 commented 1 year ago

I re-added the gridmeter node as suggested - but no change. Is there a way to debug this?

dirkjanfaber commented 1 year ago

I've installed firmware 2.94 on a Cerbo and checked. The 2.94 firmware comes with version 1.4.23 and not 1.4.32.


So, that pre-dates the change. The simplest way is to update to the latest version is to change your Venus firmware settings to use the update feed "Latest release candidate" instead of "Latest release" and then update to v3.00~36.

A less simple solution is to edit the /usr/lib/node_modules/@victronenergy/node-red-contrib-victron/src/services/services.json file and apply the same patch as mentioned before. And then restart Node-RED (or the Multi).

mojo2012 commented 1 year ago

Damnit, you are right, it's 1.4.23 - sorry my mistake. I manually patched the files and now everything's working :-) Thanks.