victronenergy / venus

Victron Energy Unix/Linux OS
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Generator start/stop: Generator not detected alarm not raised while in periodic run #1148

Closed jepefe closed 11 months ago

jepefe commented 11 months ago

Under Generator start/stop menu. Detect generator at AC input doesn’t work when the generator is started via Periodic Run condition. Just been doing some testing for a client and set the periodic run and wanted to be notified if the generator didn’t start. Periodic run worked OK and I deliberately isolated the generator AC input and no alarm was raised. If I did a manual run, the alarm was raised/email notification etc all worked as it should.

jepefe commented 11 months ago

I cannot reproduce the issue, also in code there is no distinction between periodic run and other conditions wrt the generator start detection.

The alarm is triggered 5 minutes after the expected generator start so perhaps the the user reporting the issue didn't wait long enough during his tests.

Tested on Venus v3.20~4

08:59:00 INFO:startstop:Generator0: Starting generator by testrun condition
09:04:01 INFO:startstop:Generator0: Generator not detected at inverter AC input, triggering alarm
09:06:52 INFO:startstop:Generator0: Generator detected at inverter AC input, alarm removed
09:38:50 INFO:startstop:Generator0: Starting generator by manual condition
09:43:51 INFO:startstop:Generator0: Generator not detected at inverter AC input, triggering alarm