victronenergy / venus

Victron Energy Unix/Linux OS
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Vebus: Firmware updater crashes when updating MultiPlus-II systems with multiple hardware ids #1161

Open vejpasop opened 9 months ago

vejpasop commented 9 months ago

Bug introduced in vbdup v1.11 (Venus 3.10)

When updating MultiPLus-II firmware in systems with a combination of different hardware ids, requiring multiple firmware files, the updater can crash due to a bug.

The crash causes the system to be half updated. The only way to resolve this by individually updating the Multis.

This bug is fixed in vbdup v1.12

Note: This bug was was discovered on a local test setup when testing a beta VRM version. VRM does not yet allow updates of these systems. Probably not many of these combined systems will be in available in the field yet