victronenergy / venus

Victron Energy Unix/Linux OS
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Can't upgrade anymore #1199

Closed dersch81 closed 6 months ago

dersch81 commented 6 months ago

Hi, running on Pi3 with enough space left.

root@VenusOS:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 2.2G    939.9M      1.2G  44% /
devtmpfs                428.6M      4.0K    428.6M   0% /dev
tmpfs                   461.1M      1.0M    460.1M   0% /run
tmpfs                   461.1M    380.0K    460.7M   0% /var/volatile
/dev/mmcblk0p1           41.2M     21.8M     19.4M  53% /u-boot
/dev/mmcblk0p4            2.4G    142.2M      2.1G   6% /data
tmpfs                   461.1M      1.0M    460.1M   0% /service
/dev/sda1                57.3G    531.0M     56.8G   1% /run/media/sda1

But i can't upgrade Venus OS anymore to any version. It just download (via vmr or on local gui) but than reboots with the old version. The log output after trying with local update file:

@4000000065a3b2550a091d5c *** Checking for updates ***
@4000000065a3b2550a0e3224 arguments: -update -offline -force
@4000000065a3b2550c67aab4 Searching for update on SD/USB...
@4000000065a3b2550ddc2a14 Update found on /media/sda1
@4000000065a3b2550ddc4d3c Retrieving latest version... (from /media/sda1/venus-swu-3-large-raspberrypi2-20231221100815-v3.20~37.swu)
@4000000065a3b255102771d4 installed: 20231030212506 v3.12
@4000000065a3b25510278d2c available: 20231221100815 v3.20~37
@4000000065a3b255112ed784 Starting swupdate to install version 20231221100815 v3.20~37 ...
@4000000065a3b25516a57664 software set: stable mode: copy2
@4000000065a3b25516a5ad14 Swupdate v2016.10.0
@4000000065a3b25516a5b8cc Licensed under GPLv2. See source distribution for detailed copyright notices.
@4000000065a3b25516a5d03c Registered handlers:
@4000000065a3b25516a5d80c       archive
@4000000065a3b25516a5dfdc       tar
@4000000065a3b25516a5e3c4       raw
@4000000065a3b25516a5e7ac       rawfile
@4000000065a3b25516a5ef7c       uboot
@4000000065a3b25516a5f364 [NOTIFY] : SWUPDATE running :  [extract_sw_description] : Found file:
@4000000065a3b25516c5bc1c       filename sw-description
@4000000065a3b25516dfa4ec       size 624
@4000000065a3b25516dfb0a4       checksum 0x9f8d VERIFIED
@4000000065a3b25516dfc044 Version 0.1.0
@4000000065a3b25516dfc814 [NOTIFY] : SWUPDATE running :  [parse_images] : Found compressed Image  : venus-image-large-raspberrypi2.ext4.gz in device : /dev/mmcblk0p3 for handler raw (installed from stream)
@4000000065a3b2551727e11c [NOTIFY] : SWUPDATE running :  [parse_uboot] : U-Boot var: version = 2
@4000000065a3b25517464a44 [NOTIFY] : SWUPDATE running :  [cpio_scan] : Found file:
@4000000065a3b255174ebe54       filename venus-image-large-raspberrypi2.ext4.gz
@4000000065a3b255175aff0c       size 271811347
@4000000065a3b255175b0ac4       REQUIRED
@4000000065a3b25814b0516c ERROR core/cpio_utils.c : cpio_scan : 485 : Checksum verification failed for venus-image-large-raspberrypi2.ext4.gz: 4a08bd77 != 367b0f97
@4000000065a3b25814eb33a4 Main loop Daemon
@4000000065a3b25814f6a93c [NOTIFY] : SWUPDATE failed [0] ERROR core/cpio_utils.c : cpio_scan : 485 : Checksum verification failed for venus-image-large-raspberrypi2.ext4.gz: 4a08bd77 != 367b0f97
@4000000065a3b258150e4434 ERROR core/swupdate.c : install_from_file : 322 : failed to scan for pos '752'!
@4000000065a3b2581527c774 [NOTIFY] : SWUPDATE failed [0] ERROR core/swupdate.c : install_from_file : 322 : failed to scan for pos '752'!
@4000000065a3b258155b4324 Error, do_swupdate stopped with exitcode 1, unlock and exit.
mpvader commented 6 months ago

Hi, please ask on

this issue tracker on github is not for support.

thank you.