victronenergy / venus

Victron Energy Unix/Linux OS
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venus-platform & guis: make venus platform monitor RunningVersion and act on it #1207

Closed mpvader closed 4 months ago

mpvader commented 5 months ago

In localsettings there is a setting /Settings/Gui/RunningVersion. Both gui-v1 and gui-v2 use that: the user can select which on screen display he wants to use.



We want users to be able to switch from gui-v1 to gui-v2 and back, for the On screen display.

At the moment its like this:

Here is how we'll add and word it such in gui-v2, also when seen in a browser, that its clear that its about the onscreen display:

ReinvdZee commented 5 months ago

I tied /Settings/Gui/RunningVersion to the service /service/start-gui(see commit). The service restarts whenever /Settings/Gui/RunningVersion changes (allowed values are 1 or 2).

I tested this by changing /Settings/Gui/RunningVersion directly and by using the buttons in the GUI. Both work fine.

A sidenote, when switching from Beta UI to standard UI, the standard UI is shown on the display briefly (less than a second) before restarting. I'm not quite sure why this happens and if it really is a problem.

kwindrem commented 5 months ago

Note that other platforms, notably, Raspberry PI have local displays so it's not just Cerbo with GX Touch and Ekrano. (CCGX isn't an issue because it will always run gui-v1 locally.)

Not sure I'm reading the code correctly but is a reboot really necessary? If this is happening only when the value is not 1 or 2, does this get the system stuck in a constant reboot?

As a side note: many have been confused or complained about not being able to access the GUI via VRM remote console. My tests indicate no issues running gui-v1 headless and gui-v2 at the same time so maybe this is a stop-gap until the VRM remote console can access gui-v2.

mpvader commented 5 months ago

Kevin, this is going to be fine, no need to worry, please just wait and see what is coming.

ReinvdZee commented 5 months ago

@kwindrem, the system won't reboot, only the start-gui service will restart. Further, the service will only be restarted when /Settings/Gui/RunningVersion changes, and it can only be either 1 or 2.

mpvader commented 4 months ago

hey @ReinvdZee , iirc this is all included now, so will be part of v3.30.


then it can be closed.

ReinvdZee commented 4 months ago

Yes, version changing is implemented and tested.

Closing issue.