victronenergy / venus

Victron Energy Unix/Linux OS
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PV Inverter measured by ET112 on AC Input 1 shows on the wrong side in VRM and messes things up #1281

Open peterxxl opened 1 month ago

peterxxl commented 1 month ago

Set to AC Input 1


Shows on AC Out 1 (essential loads) in VRM


Should be showing on the left like in this install:


The issue is not just visual... the calculations don't add up when the energy meter is selected correctly sitting on AC Input. For whatever reason the GX device insists it's on AC out 1, even it is not. Only when I select it's on AC out 1 (which it isn't) only then the calculations and reported values add up.

Maybe is related to the ET112 in particular. This is the only installation I have it deployed. I have ET340 and EM24 on other installations and they report just fine.

I am running 3.40~18 but I believe this is present in stable release also.