vidalvanbergen / ViMediaManager

Media Manager for Mac OS X
93 stars 7 forks source link

VI Media Manager not working after having upgraded to OSX 10.13.4 #41

Closed TaT-DK closed 2 years ago

TaT-DK commented 6 years ago

Love the tool and is very sad that it does not work after upgrading to OSX 10.13.4

Will you fix or ?

vidalvanbergen commented 6 years ago

ViMediaManager doesn't show any issues on 10.13.4 for me, try downloading the latest release from here:

or resetting ViMM by removing it's preferences and settings like so:

Remove these files and folders: /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Application Support/ViMediaManager/ /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Preferences/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha.plist /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Saved Application State/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha.savedState/ /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Caches/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha/

Do a search with the terminal: sudo find / -name vidalvanbergen or sudo find / -name vimediamanager

And remove the item in the following location: (The numbers may differ) /private/var/db/BootCaches/6D4C0300-582B-4CC1-A86E-D1F13EF7BC07/

When all traces of ViMediaManager's previous install have been removed, reboot your computer and re-instal ViMediaManager, you can use the link below to download the latest nightly build: