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HLS.js is a JavaScript library that plays HLS in browsers with support for MSE.
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MEDIA_ERR_DECODE issue with Mac Chrome for Live Streaming #515

Closed featheast closed 6 years ago

featheast commented 8 years ago

Trying to seek some help in regarding the issues I am currently seeing now while using hls.js for live streaming. The live feed is from a Wowza with 3 qualities. It runs fine on Ubuntu Chrome, but keep getting MEDIA_ERR_DECODE issues with Chrome on Macs. It's pretty random when the issue may occur, and I am calling hls.recoverMediaError(), sometimes the recover works, sometimes it has to recover multiple times to get it back.

From the logs, it appears the issue usually occur after a level switch. The same source works fine with other players, so it's more likely this is caused by ways how we use it.

It will be great i can get some hints to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.

Part of a log is provided below, and I can provide more if needed. log] > Loaded 2291 of level 2 [log] > engine state transition from FRAG_LOADING to PARSING [log] > Demuxing 2291 of [2282 ,2291],level 2 [log] > decrypting by WebCrypto API [log] > parsed audio,PTS:[88.070,92.110],DTS:[88.070/92.110],nb:174 [log] > parsed video,PTS:[88.087,92.120],DTS:[88.086/92.120],nb:120 [log] > engine state transition from PARSING to PARSED [log] > media buffered : [36.054088,92.106734] [log] > engine state transition from PARSED to IDLE [log] > switching to level 1 [log] > (re)loading playlist for level 1 [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to WAITING_LEVEL [log] > engine state transition from WAITING_LEVEL to IDLE [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to WAITING_LEVEL [log] > engine state transition from WAITING_LEVEL to IDLE [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to WAITING_LEVEL [log] > engine state transition from WAITING_LEVEL to IDLE [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to WAITING_LEVEL [log] > engine state transition from WAITING_LEVEL to IDLE [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to WAITING_LEVEL [log] > engine state transition from WAITING_LEVEL to IDLE [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to WAITING_LEVEL [log] > live playlist, reload in 3020 ms [log] > level 1 loaded [2283,2292],duration:40.066 [log] > live playlist sliding:56.054 [log] > Updating mediasource duration to 96.12010000000001 [log] > engine state transition from WAITING_LEVEL to IDLE [log] > Loading key for 2292 of [2283 ,2292],level 1 [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to KEY_LOADING [log] > engine state transition from KEY_LOADING to IDLE [log] > Loading 2292 of [2283 ,2292],level 1, currentTime:69.603026,bufferEnd:92.107 [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to FRAG_LOADING [log] > Loaded 2292 of level 1 [log] > engine state transition from FRAG_LOADING to PARSING [log] > Demuxing 2292 of [2283 ,2292],level 1 [log] > decrypting by WebCrypto API [log] > track:audio,container:audio/mp4,codecs[level/parsed]=[mp4a.40.2/mp4a.40.5] [log] > track:video,container:video/mp4,codecs[level/parsed]=[avc1.4d0020/avc1.4d4020] [log] > parsed audio,PTS:[92.110,96.081],DTS:[92.110/96.081],nb:171 [log] > parsed video,PTS:[92.121,96.120],DTS:[92.121/96.120],nb:120 [log] > engine state transition from PARSING to PARSED [log] > media buffered : [36.054088,96.077414] [log] > engine state transition from PARSED to IDLE log.js:79 VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:3 MEDIA_ERR_DECODE) The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support. MediaError {code: 3, message: "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption…media used features your browser did not support."}logType @ log.js:79log.error @ log.js:31error @ player.js:2202handleTechError @ player.js:1064ret @ fn.js:35ret @ fn.js:35data.dispatcher @ events.js:72 vjs-hls.js:31 Error Event {isTrusted: true, type: "error", target: video#video-container_html5_api.vjs-tech, currentTarget: video#video-container_html5_api.vjs-tech, eventPhase: 2…}bubbles: falsecancelBubble: falsecancelable: truecurrentTarget: nulldefaultPrevented: falseeventPhase: 0isTrusted: trueisTrusted: truepath: Array[7]returnValue: truesrcElement: video#video-container_html5_api.vjs-techtarget: video#video-container_html5_api.vjs-techaccessKey: ""attributes: NamedNodeMapautoplay: falsebaseURI: "http://localhost/lf404.html"buffered: TimeRangeschildElementCount: 0childNodes: NodeList[0]children: HTMLCollection[0]classList: DOMTokenList[1]className: "vjs-tech"clientHeight: 150clientLeft: 0clientTop: 0clientWidth: 1220contentEditable: "inherit"controls: falsecrossOrigin: nullcurrentSrc: "blob:http%3A//localhost/8ed42edc-8db7-454b-b535-94ba639d6c97"currentTime: 1402.730977dataset: DOMStringMapdefaultMuted: falsedefaultPlaybackRate: 1dir: ""disableRemotePlayback: falsedraggable: falseduration: 1428.8319777777776ended: falseerror: nullfirstChild: nullfirstElementChild: nullheight: 0hidden: falseid: "video-container_html5api"initNetworkState: 0innerHTML: ""innerText: ""isConnected: trueisContentEditable: falselang: ""lastChild: nulllastElementChild: nulllocalName: "video"loop: falsemediaKeys: nullmuted: falsenamespaceURI: ""networkState: 2nextElementSibling: divnextSibling: divnodeName: "VIDEO"nodeType: 1nodeValue: nulloffsetHeight: 150offsetLeft: 0offsetParent: 0offsetWidth: 1220onabort: nullonautocomplete: nullonautocompleteerror: nullonbeforecopy: nullonbeforecut: nullonbeforepaste: nullonblur: nulloncancel: nulloncanplay: nulloncanplaythrough: nullonchange: nullonclick: nullonclose: nulloncontextmenu: nulloncopy: nulloncuechange: nulloncut: nullondblclick: nullondrag: nullondragend: nullondragenter: nullondragleave: nullondragover: nullondragstart: nullondrop: nullondurationchange: nullonemptied: nullonencrypted: nullonended: nullonerror: nullonfocus: nulloninput: nulloninvalid: nullonkeydown: nullonkeypress: nullonkeyup: nullonload: nullonloadeddata: nullonloadedmetadata: nullonloadstart: nullonmousedown: nullonmouseenter: nullonmouseleave: nullonmousemove: nullonmouseout: nullonmouseover: nullonmouseup: nullonmousewheel: nullonpaste: nullonpause: nullonplay: nullonplaying: nullonprogress: nullonratechange: nullonreset: nullonresize: nullonscroll: nullonsearch: nullonseeked: nullonseeking: nullonselect: nullonselectstart: nullonshow: nullonstalled: nullonsubmit: nullonsuspend: nullontimeupdate: nullontoggle: nullonvolumechange: nullonwaiting: nullonwebkitfullscreenchange: nullonwebkitfullscreenerror: nullonwheel: nullouterHTML: ""outerText: ""ownerDocument: documentparentElement: trueplaybackRate: 1played: TimeRangesplayer: nullplayerId: "video-container"poster: ""prefix: nullpreload: "none"previousElementSibling: nullpreviousSibling: nullreadyState: 4scrollHeight: 150scrollLeft: 0scrollTop: 0scrollWidth: 1220seekable: TimeRangesseeking: falseshadowRoot: nullsinkId: ""spellcheck: truesrc: "blob:http%3A//localhost/8ed42edc-8db7-454b-b535-94ba639d6c97"style: CSSStyleDeclarationtabIndex: -1tagName: "VIDEO"textContent: ""textTracks: TextTrackListtitle: ""translate: truevdata1466491657099: 10videoHeight: 720videoWidth: 1280volume: 1webkitAudioDecodedByteCount: 319725webkitDecodedFrameCount: 875webkitDisplayingFullscreen: falsewebkitDroppedFrameCount: 0webkitSupportsFullscreen: truewebkitVideoDecodedByteCount: 10401133webkitdropzone: ""width: 0proto: HTMLVideoElementtimeStamp: 63135.630000000005type: "error"proto: Event vjs-hls.js:57 Recovery error [log] > recoverMediaError [log] > detachMedia [log] > media source detaching [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to STOPPED [log] > attachMedia [log] > media source opened [log] > startLoad [log] > demuxing in webworker [log] > configure startPosition @72.402753 [log] > resuming video [log] > engine state transition from STOPPED to IDLE [log] > Loading key for 2287 of [2283 ,2292],level 1 [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to KEY_LOADING [log] > engine state transition from KEY_LOADING to IDLE [log] > Loading 2287 of [2283 ,2292],level 1, currentTime:72.402753,bufferEnd:72.403 [log] > engine state transition from IDLE to FRAG_LOADING [log] > Loaded 2287 of level 1 [log] > engine state transition from FRAG_LOADING to PARSING [log] > Demuxing 2287 of [2283 ,2292],level 1 [log] > decrypting by WebCrypto API

mangui commented 8 years ago

when MEDIA_DECODE_ERROR happens at level switch it is usually because of audio change (AAC to HE-AAC, sampling rate change, nb of audio channel change, ...) could you disable the webworker on the demo page and provide debug logs from scratch ? disabling web worker will enable more debug logs on audio codecs

featheast commented 8 years ago

To add a few more info, I did looked at issue #401, and I believe our audio codec are the same across all qualities. Besides, #401 is for Firefox, and our playback on Firefox seems to be fine.

featheast commented 8 years ago

@mangui thanks, let me double confirm that.

rkurbatov commented 8 years ago

Oh, I had the same error today on 0.6.1 running on Mac Chrome, Linux Chrome runs without it. I may provide logs too if needed.

featheast commented 8 years ago

@mangui So I did check out the demo page ( and it was running fine from there. Just like @rkurbatov suggested, I found if I revert my version back to 0.5.39 my local testing works fine too, the problem only exists when I am using version 0.6.1. I can't tell what is the version of the demo page is using, but a quick compare of the source it more looks like 0.5.X (not the same as 0.5.39 or 0.5.38 though).

mangui commented 8 years ago

yes demo page is usually matching with the latest diff commited on v0.5.x pages its content is matching with gh-pages branch

drichards commented 8 years ago

Has this issue actually been resolved? It looks like @featheast managed to work around by reverting to 0.5.x, but that means it's still present in 0.6.1

featheast commented 8 years ago

@drichards I don't think the issue is really resolved, for the time being we are happy with the old version, but eventually we gonna have the need to upgrade.

drichards commented 8 years ago

@mangui can we re-open this issue? We're still seeing it as well in 0.6.1 and it sounds like @featheast is as well.

mangui commented 8 years ago

Hi @drichards 0.6.1 is now outdated, I started stabilizing master branch (0.6.x) yesterday, and tagged a new prerelease 0.6.2-1, would you mind rechecking your stream against 0.6.2-1 ? (the demo page is now using it)

if you can still repro, plz also provide the output of chrome://media-internals

drichards commented 8 years ago

Hi @mangui just tried 0.6.2-1 and I'm not seeing the issue anymore there. Thanks!

romsil commented 7 years ago

Is this issue resolved? I am getting MEDIA_ERR_DECODE on our live streams by repeatedly seeking to the end. This is only happening on IE11, but I wonder if, together with #401 , they are of the same issue.

stale[bot] commented 6 years ago

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