After having forked and cloned the project, running the tests fails.
My configuration:
ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
node v6.15.1
npm 3.10.10
Also tested with node v4.9.1 and node v8.14.0, with the same result.
Expected Behavior
Expected the tests to pass on the forked project.
Actual Behavior
The following errors happen:
HeadlessChrome 71.0.3578 (Linux 0.0.0) Videogular Player Should create polyfills on init FAILED
Expected 'fullscreenEnabled' to be 'webkitFullscreenEnabled'
Expected 'fullscreenElement' to be 'webkitFullscreenElement'
Expected 'requestFullscreen' to be 'webkitRequestFullscreen'
Expected 'exitFullscreen' to be 'webkitExitFullscreen'
Expected 'fullscreenchange' to be 'webkitfullscreenchange'
Expected 'fullscreenerror' to be 'webkitfullscreenerror'
HeadlessChrome 71.0.3578 (Linux 0.0.0) Videogular Player Should enter in fullscreen mode FAILED
Expected spy webkitRequestFullscreen to have been called
After having forked and cloned the project, running the tests fails.
My configuration:
Also tested with node v4.9.1 and node v8.14.0, with the same result.
Expected Behavior
Expected the tests to pass on the forked project.
Actual Behavior
The following errors happen:
HeadlessChrome 71.0.3578 (Linux 0.0.0) Videogular Player Should create polyfills on init FAILED Expected 'fullscreenEnabled' to be 'webkitFullscreenEnabled' Expected 'fullscreenElement' to be 'webkitFullscreenElement' Expected 'requestFullscreen' to be 'webkitRequestFullscreen' Expected 'exitFullscreen' to be 'webkitExitFullscreen' Expected 'fullscreenchange' to be 'webkitfullscreenchange' Expected 'fullscreenerror' to be 'webkitfullscreenerror'
HeadlessChrome 71.0.3578 (Linux 0.0.0) Videogular Player Should enter in fullscreen mode FAILED Expected spy webkitRequestFullscreen to have been called
Steps to Reproduce
The test errors:
Please ask me if you need more details :)