videogular / videogular2

The HTML5 video player for Angular 2
MIT License
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Update getting-started doc #846

Open rbalet opened 5 years ago

rbalet commented 5 years ago

Isn't a bug about this actual git repository but I couldn't know where to post it


The getting-started docs need to be updated

Expected Behavior

Modules are being imported from videogular2/compiled/ and not videogular2 only on the v7.0.0

Should be then

import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {VgCoreModule} from 'videogular2/compiled/core';
import {VgControlsModule} from 'videogular2/compiled/controls';
import {VgOverlayPlayModule} from 'videogular2/compiled/overlay-play';
import {VgBufferingModule} from 'videogular2/compiled/buffering';
import {SingleMediaPlayer} from './single-media-player';

Actual Behavior

import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {VgCoreModule} from 'videogular2/core';
import {VgControlsModule} from 'videogular2/controls';
import {VgOverlayPlayModule} from 'videogular2/overlay-play';
import {VgBufferingModule} from 'videogular2/buffering';
import {SingleMediaPlayer} from './single-media-player';

Steps to Reproduce

martyandreas commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much for this info! i've done everything just like in the get started tutorial. I've now wasted more than two hours just what the documentation is wrong.