videogular / videogular2

The HTML5 video player for Angular 2
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import paths wrong in Getting Started document #865

Open AlejandroFlorin opened 4 years ago

AlejandroFlorin commented 4 years ago

The Getting Started document currently shows these import paths:

import {VgCoreModule} from 'videogular2/core'; import {VgControlsModule} from 'videogular2/controls'; import {VgOverlayPlayModule} from 'videogular2/overlay-play'; import {VgBufferingModule} from 'videogular2/buffering';

Those are no longer valid. I was able to compile with the following imports:

import { VgCoreModule } from 'videogular2/compiled/core'; import { VgControlsModule } from 'videogular2/compiled/controls'; import { VgOverlayPlayModule } from 'videogular2/compiled/overlay-play'; import { VgBufferingModule } from 'videogular2/compiled/buffering';

Asac2142 commented 4 years ago

Also, the last import looks like this:

import { SingleMediaPlayer } from /'./single-media-player';

Where is that dependency? Is this import necessary?