videogular / videogular2

The HTML5 video player for Angular 2
MIT License
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Video play in loop #878

Closed canzia closed 4 years ago

canzia commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to insert videos that once played continue loop playback. Is it possible to do this with a command to insert into the tag?

sliceofbytes commented 4 years ago

You can loop single videos by just adding the loop attribute to the video tag.

    <video #media [vgMedia]="media" id="singleVideo" preload="auto" controls autoplay loop>
        <source src="" type="video/mp4">
        <source src="" type="video/ogg">
        <source src="" type="video/webm">

For multiple videos just change the source once the first video has ended with autoplay enabled.

    <video #media controls autoplay
export class AppComponent   {
  vid1 = ''
  vid2 =  ''
  source = this.vid1;

  switchSource() {
    this.source = this.source === this.vid1 ? this.vid2 : this.vid1;
