Open Caringor opened 3 years ago
I think it's because we only expect BaseURL elements to be children the MPD element rather than inside a Period.
I got the same issue on this website. My research result is that it's a regex issue here:
const identifierPattern = /\$([A-z]*)(?:(%0)([0-9]+)d)?\$/g;
In this example the regex is $Number%08x$, not match to identifierPattern. The code should be
const identifierPattern = /\$([A-z]*)(?:(%0)([0-9]+)([d,x]))?\$/g;
another issue is the number need to be set as hex format in function
here is my solution: export const identifierReplacement = (values) => (match, identifier, format, width, base) => { if (match === '$$') { // escape sequence return '$'; }
if (typeof values[identifier] === 'undefined') { return match; }
let value = '' + values[identifier];
if (identifier === 'RepresentationID') { // Format tag shall not be present with RepresentationID return value; }
if (!format) { width = 1; } else { width = parseInt(width, 10); }
if(base ==='x') { value = parseInt(value).toString(16) }
if (value.length >= width) { return value; }
return ${(new Array(width - value.length + 1)).join('0')}${value}
Hi, I'm trying to parse SlingTV manifest, however the
in the returned parser manifest seems to be wrong.{ uri: 'audio/stereo/192/$Number%08x$.m4s', timeline: 1, duration: 2.048, resolvedUri: '$Number%08x$.m4s', map: [Object], number: 2877 }
The real url should be: