I'm streaming live rtmp video from nginx to a Video.JS Flash player
across the internet and see the video is consistently choppy.
I verified the delay is about 1 second from reality ,
and would like to be able to increase this buffer length time on the Video.JS player side
to avoid this choppiness (i.e. add more buffering) via configuration.
Something like the JWPlayer 'bufferlength' feature.
We asked this question in overstack.com to see if there's anyway to increase this buffer time:
Hi all,
I'm streaming live rtmp video from nginx to a Video.JS Flash player across the internet and see the video is consistently choppy.
I verified the delay is about 1 second from reality , and would like to be able to increase this buffer length time on the Video.JS player side to avoid this choppiness (i.e. add more buffering) via configuration. Something like the JWPlayer 'bufferlength' feature.
We asked this question in overstack.com to see if there's anyway to increase this buffer time:
and it appears they showed it was hardcoded to 1 second in the code:
So, is there anyway, we can have a configurable bufferlength so I can avoid the choppiness?
By the way, my Video.JS is added via Flash plugin like this: