videojs / video.js

Video.js - open source HTML5 video player
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Fails to coming to ready state #3619

Open medaamarnadh opened 7 years ago

medaamarnadh commented 7 years ago

Hi , I am using the Videojs in my web application to show videos. It is working fine in few browsers. But in Google chrome 52,53 versions it is not working fine. Sometimes it is not coming to the ready state. Can anyone help?

misteroneill commented 7 years ago

In order for anyone to be able to help with this question, you should provide a reduced test case, we have a starter template on JSBin you can use.

medaamarnadh commented 7 years ago

Sure. I am using Vimeo plugin on top video.js. Sometimes it has a problem to load the video file.

My code is

videojs(document.getElementById(campaignId), {

        'techOrder': [techOrder], // load either youtube plugin or vimeo plugin

        'src': campaignVideo, // the sourcecode for the video

      }).ready(function() {

        var player = this;

        if (techOrder === 'youtube') {  

          player.poster(campaign.code_picture_url); // add the poster image as the campaign image for youtube videos
        } else {

          $('.vjs-big-play-button').click(function() {





I had done some debug process. In my analysis, i found that ready call back was not calling.

I hope this information helps to sort out the issue.

I have this problem in only chrome 52,53 for sometimes. It is not working all the times in firefox.