videolang / video

Source Code for Video language.
Apache License 2.0
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Solid colors and composite-transition don't get along well #22

Closed BenChung closed 6 years ago

BenChung commented 6 years ago

When a color is used as the first input to a composite-transition, the transition will try to fetch the size of the color, which is undefined in the trivial case, causing a crash when it attempts to call get-property. This error is demonstrated by the following code:

#lang racket
(require video/base)
(require video/render)
(define green (color "green"))
(define red (color "red"))

(define breaks
   (composite-transition 0 0 1/2 1/2)
(render breaks ""
               #:width 1280
               #:height 720
               #:start 0
               #:end 2
               #:fps 24)
LeifAndersen commented 6 years ago

Commit#: 7cd45041cb92b12ab2e4b077ed7ab0e6e0696d73 fixes this.