videolang / video

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Documentation for composite-transition is rather lacking #3

Closed BenChung closed 7 years ago

BenChung commented 7 years ago

The documentation for composite-transition, right now, consists of

(composite-transition    [  #:length length  
        #:top top    
        #:bottom bottom])    
 → (or/c transition? field-element?)
  length : (or/c nonnegative-integer? #f) = #f
  top : (or/c any/c #f) = #f
  bottom : (or/c any/c #f) = #f

However, pulling an example, we see

(composite-transition 0 0 1/2 1)

The former does not explain the latter in pretty much any way - what are the numbers, for example? What units are they in? Improving this would be a major boon to understanding.

LeifAndersen commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. Commit d6f068df2fd919a84347e242c750d24899fdcba3 fixes this.