videolang / video

Source Code for Video language.
Apache License 2.0
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GStreamer support #30

Open taktoa opened 6 years ago

taktoa commented 6 years ago

Seems like GStreamer would be a pretty good fit for this project, especially as it is typed and could allow the construction of streaming pipelines (rather than after-the-fact video manipulation).

LeifAndersen commented 6 years ago

That's a cool idea. Very early versions of this project worked with both gstreamer and ffmpeg, although I stopped updating the gstreamer bindings a long while back. But I'm happy to give that another go. :D

Thanks for the suggestion.

taktoa commented 6 years ago

oh, also, I took a look at doing something like this a while back, and it is worth pointing out that the hardest part of making this typed will be accounting for the fact that some GStreamer elements dynamically change their output types (e.g.: decodebin).

LeifAndersen commented 6 years ago

Cool, thanks for the heads up.