videolang / video

Source Code for Video language.
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wishlist: pict as producer #32

Closed takikawa closed 6 years ago

takikawa commented 6 years ago

One thing I thought the API might include was a function that goes from a pict (or perhaps a function producing picts given a frame number, say) to a producer. Maybe I missed it in the docs, but it seems like it'd be a neat wishlist item.

LeifAndersen commented 6 years ago

Yes it would be, and it was a design goal, although not quite there yet. Although I'm absolutely happy to make it. Any suggestions on what API you would like?

Either it could go from a sequence of picts to a producer and a single pict to a producer, or have a thunk that produces a sequence of picts to a producer. Currently I'm inclined to do the former, but either way is fine with me.

LeifAndersen commented 6 years ago

07e04b263698e5b90e611e1e39a3881c25a90a10 adds this.

Thanks for the suggestion.