videolang / video

Source Code for Video language.
Apache License 2.0
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Overlaying images/text onto videos #59

Closed srfoster closed 5 years ago

srfoster commented 5 years ago

screen shot 2018-10-04 at 9 15 09 am

I was trying out the overlaying of transparent picts onto videos. Am I doing it right, though? A few things are happening that are puzzling: Video is grayscale? Background doesn't seem to be transparent? Video seems to be subdivided into 3 parts?

The same happens when I run examples/7-watermark.rkt

Thanks for all the hard work on this lang. :)

LeifAndersen commented 5 years ago

Hmm...your code looks right. I suspect the three parts are because Video separated out the three color channels (RGB) into separate feeds. Probably a simple bug on my end.

LeifAndersen commented 5 years ago

Ah, okay, its a bug in composite-merge. An immediate fix is to use overlay-merge instead:

 (clip the-clip)
 (overlay-merge 0 0 100 100)
 (p:colorize (p:text "HELLO" "Helvetica" 1024) "white"))
LeifAndersen commented 5 years ago

(Also worth noting, while it doesn't preview correctly, it does seem to render correctly.)

LeifAndersen commented 5 years ago

And finally, ce7fd88f7d34c5ebe17cb0faecb05795df5e32e9 fixes this. Thanks for reporting.

srfoster commented 5 years ago

Thanks for fixing!