videosdk-live / webrtc

WebRTC means Web Real Time Communication. Free WebRTC Demos and Examples.
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Joining Side does not display vidoe stream from calling side #2

Open mutamiks opened 1 year ago

mutamiks commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for your great work. I have cloned your repository and accessed the react native version, followed all instructions as documented and everything worked fine except that the side that answers the call only displays his local stream yet the side that makes the call displays both. Thank your support in advance

ahmedbhesaniya97 commented 1 year ago

Hi @mutamiks, Let us check and get back to you.

mutamiks commented 1 year ago

thank you for your feedback. l will be happy to hear from you

ahmedbhesaniya97 commented 1 year ago

Hi @mutamiks I just verified with my environment, and everything is good. Could you send us some screen shots so that I can have a better sense of what you're talking about?

mutamiks commented 1 year ago

Callee screen 1 callee screen 1

Callee screen 2 .As you can see from the screenshot below the callee (person receiving call) sees only his video stream callee screen 2

Caller screen 1 caller screen 1

Caller screen 2. As you can see from the screenshot below the caller (the person who makes the call) sees both videos caller screen 2

ahmedbhesaniya97 commented 1 year ago

@mutamiks Any errors are you getting in console ?

mutamiks commented 1 year ago
Screenshot 2023-02-13 155530
arjun-kava commented 1 year ago

Hey, @mutamiks did you able to solve the issue?

mutamiks commented 1 year ago

hello @arjun-kava no l did not. Do you have a solution or suggestion?

j-mitinick commented 1 year ago

Hello, First I would like to thank you for the project. But I'm having an error when disconnecting the call and making a new call, it gives the peerconnection is null error. Could you give tips on how to solve this bug??

SahilJarial commented 1 year ago

similar issue .

ahmedbhesaniya97 commented 1 year ago

Hi @SahilJarial, Which version of react-native-webrtc you are using ?

SahilJarial commented 1 year ago

Hi @SahilJarial, Which version of react-native-webrtc you are using ? @ahmedbhesaniya97 I am using 1.94.2

SahilJarial commented 1 year ago

@ahmedbhesaniya97 image

SahilJarial commented 1 year ago

@ahmedbhesaniya97 Generally image

remoteDiscription and localdiscription is null on caller side in peerConnection

setLocalDiscription on callee side invoke onicecandiate and that send signal to ICECandiate event to caller side. in that state caller does not have called Local description and remote discription is also null when

calling addICECandiate on caller side.

callee can see both videos but on caller side caller cannot see callee video stream

ahmedbhesaniya97 commented 1 year ago

@SahilJarial, Will look in to it. Thanks.

cosmic-blunder commented 1 year ago

I am facing same issue. exhausted all approaches. look like there is deep issue in webrtc library in react native or in code .

cosmic-blunder commented 1 year ago

i am using same lib 1.94.2 which is in default value in repository.

KartvyaAcharya commented 1 year ago

im also having this issue! any solution for this @ahmedbhesaniya97 Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 6 16 05 PM

Kundannetset commented 1 year ago

Black screen instead of remote stream

Kundannetset commented 1 year ago

@SahilJarial, Will look in to it. Thanks.

any update @arjun-kava @mutamiks @j-mitinick @ahmedbhesaniya97 @cosmic-blunder

Kundannetset commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 2 40 28 PM

SahilJarial commented 11 months ago

@SahilJarial, Will look in to it. Thanks.

any update @arjun-kava @mutamiks @j-mitinick @ahmedbhesaniya97 @cosmic-blunder

i think issue must be with old library i updated the library to latest and try approach given on official react native webrtc library git hub doc.

ahmedbhesaniya97 commented 11 months ago

Hey @SahilJarial, Are you able to resolve with latest version?

SahilJarial commented 11 months ago

Hey @SahilJarial, Are you able to resolve with latest version?

I was able to resolve [Error: The remote descriptor error was null issue]

SahilJarial commented 11 months ago

i cannot grant that video can work in simulator but seems to work in two separate real phones devices.

master11641 commented 8 months ago

This problem is exist in flutter too

harithm918 commented 8 months ago

Any update on this issue. This problem is in flutter too.. please help

danibalcr commented 8 months ago

i cannot grant that video can work in simulator but seems to work in two separate real phones devices.

Could you share any repository about it? I think this can being utility to update old projects

RitikSingh11661 commented 4 months ago

Any update ?