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Add support for new ARRI ALF-4 look file format #1

Closed geoffsmithPDX closed 1 year ago

geoffsmithPDX commented 1 year ago

Would be great to be able to convert an existing 3D LUT into an ALF-4/.alf4 look file for quick/direct import into Alexa 35 as with the existing support for ALF-2/.aml. ARRI's white paper on ALF-4 is here:

(however it's a binary format and there's no spec. included in the document)

Cheers, --Geoff

r2tincan commented 1 year ago

Just chiming in to +1 this, came here to post. A LogC 3 -> LogC 4 LUT approximation for both .cube with the rec709 and LogC3 .cube - > ALF4 would be really awesome too. Help us with LogC4 lol

gregcotten commented 1 year ago

ARRI's wheel reinvention has caused more trouble than it's worth! We'll add rudimentary support (just supporting the normal LogC4 to LogC4 ALF4). I'll look into "converting" looks into the LogC4 container, but without the math for ARRI's V4 creative tone mapping + colorspace conversions I'm hesitant to release anything with that kind of support.