vidstige / NRasterizer

OpenType parser in pure c#
Apache License 2.0
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Support for multiple font weights within a single file. #37

Open tocsoft opened 7 years ago

tocsoft commented 7 years ago

It would be awesome if NRasterizer could support rendering multiple font weights from a single file.

vidstige commented 7 years ago

Bah, cannot open tools version 14 on Xamarin on my Mac. Perhaps later on.

tocsoft commented 7 years ago

lol... no rush just thought I would drop on some ideas to advance the library, and make it best in breed. 😁

I'm hoping to make it the goto library for Font stuff in the netstandard world by adopting it for ImageSharp (which we're hoping will be the goto image manipulation library).

vidstige commented 7 years ago

nvm, it worked fine when running with Microsoft dotnet instead of mono like so

dotnet restore
xbuild NRasterizer.sln /p:Configuration=Release

Can you run on linux hosts on appveyor? In that case we could have two builds (or four for Debug/Release).

tocsoft commented 7 years ago

I don't think appveyor supports linux.

I think that'll require fighting with travis again, and getting both build systems running side by side.

My gut says you should use appveyor for production build full unit testing etc and creating the tags release builds and a travis build to ensure that you can provide a nice build experience for linux/mac users and maybe for running linux based integration tests to make sure it all works.

vidstige commented 7 years ago

Ok, this turned into a general chat. :-) Perhaps there is another forum for ImageSharp discussions? Anyway, how is this integrated into ImageSharp right now? If there are bezier / line filling, that's probably going to look prettier than using my rasterizer as it is pretty crap right now. The font loader is fine to use though.