vidyasurti / pain

Gendered Pain in Greek Tragedy
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Project Update 4/22 #10

Open cherinacheng opened 2 years ago

cherinacheng commented 2 years ago

As usual, we started our meeting by going over some of the things we had done within the last week:

There was some confusion with WinSCP/Fetch regarding files not showing up and uploading files to the server (for Cherina and Alexis respectively), but we figured it out.

Our first main topic of discussion was the project showcase. We went over the plans we had made during the last project meeting, and Caroline had some suggestions:

After that, we talked about the reading view that Richa had created. Caroline mentioned a few things that we could change, such as:

Richa then discussed her ideas for the filtering of pain instances, which she had started thinking about/working on. She is thinking of taking inspiration from the Dickinson project website, and having the filtering options only become visible after a user clicks on the text about it. She wants to put it above the two boxes on each reading view page, since that seems like the most logical place. Richa sent us a picture of how the filtering options would be organized, and she discussed this with Caroline and Charlie for a bit.

The other main topic of discussion was data exploration and visualizations. At Richa's request, I had looked at certain relationships within the data, so I talked about those (gender and direct versus indirect pain, and gender of pain receivers and whether they fit norms). After that, I talked about the two visualizations that I had sketched out:

I noticed some discrepancies in the numbers generated from the XSLT I used, and this might be due to Medea, which is currently not valid against the schema, so that has to be fixed.

Other things we talked about regarding visualizations:

This discussion led to the question of who is going to do what over the course of next week, a question that Vidya brought up. These are the conclusions from that part of our conversation: