vidyasurti / pain

Gendered Pain in Greek Tragedy
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Project Update 4/15 #9

Open cherinacheng opened 2 years ago

cherinacheng commented 2 years ago

We started off our weekly project meeting by reviewing what we did between this Thursday and last Thursday:

Our next topic of discussion was the project showcase that will be next Friday. Caroline said that we need to put more things on our website by then for the showcase, and that we need to converse through Slack regarding our preparations for the showcase. We then discussed our plans for who will be speaking and what they will be speaking about. These are the conclusions we came to:

  1. Vidya will introduce the project, especially because this project was proposed by her. She can talk about Greek tragedies and what motivated this research question.
  2. Richa will speak next. She can talk about the methodology and markup strategy, and also what we are trying to implement for the reading view.
  3. Cherina will talk about what trends we have been seeing in the data. If we put visualizations on the website by then, she will present those.
  4. Alexis will stand with us for support.

Caroline said that before Friday, we should write in Slack a summary of what we plan to say for the project showcase, so we don't end up saying the same thing as someone else.

We might meet in person during finals week to work on this project, but are not sure yet. Caroline said that the instructors will be around during finals week through Slack, and that we could try and meet with her on Zoom if we need to.

Alexis will be in charge of web design, and Richa will work with her. Richa found pictures of marble that we could potentially use for the website background, and she is doing the reading view anyways, so it makes sense for her to work with Alexis. Caroline then said that we need a write-up of our methodology, and Vidya said that she can do that. The write-up will touch on topics such as:

Caroline said that we can look at the Dickinson project website for a reference on what a good write-up would look like, as hers was very detailed due to the necessity of explaining the research methods.

After this, Caroline asked if I wanted to talk about any trends I noticed during the exploratory data analysis. The most prominent trends I noticed were related to whether inflictors of pain (male or female) fit norms, and that a very high proportion of pain experienced by women was emotional pain. This led us into a conversation about more things we could look at, and our potential visualizations:

Lastly, Caroline said that everyone needs to go to Slack before Saturday to type what we plan to do by next week, so that everyone knows what's going on. These are our general plans:

gualtieri20 commented 2 years ago

Monthly Project Response:

Hey guys, it looks like you had a pretty productive meeting. I went over to your project page, but it didn't look like anything was really up yet. Are you guys waiting for a big reveal at the end? This seems like a neat project idea and I'm looking forward to seeing it presented in class.

Were there any big sit backs you guys experienced which caused a delay in website production? If so, how did you guys work through those set backs to see it through to the other side?

AutumnRigot commented 2 years ago

You guys are making excellent progress despite having such a huge setback with your project topic. Maybe if there are questions after your presentation, Alexis can handle them. The table is a good idea. Web design is not too difficult but it does have take a lot of time. Do you have a plan for what you want on the website?