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Any Plans for the vienna.rb github org and the broken (dead) ruby vienna meetup website in 2023? #103

Closed geraldb closed 1 year ago

geraldb commented 1 year ago


cc: @hola-soy-milk, @aaroncm

as some of you might remember I tried for years (with many in person show-ups and the work ready-to-merge) to update the meetup website.

If I dare to say it is kind of ridiculous and obviously it reflects on the state-of-the-meetup. Bascially it says that it's game over and nobody is here. Please, correct me if I am wrong, thank you. Happy new year. Cheers. Prosit 2023!

PS: To "save" the work about the updates as you might know I started a new github org with a working ruby meetup website, see

PPS: One plan / idea is to "merge" e.g. transfer all repos to the new org, for example, and I am happy to preserve the legacy / heritage (and put in the couple of hours required.)

mraaroncruz commented 1 year ago

Let's see how reviving the meetup goes. If people are still interested, we'll consider reviving the website. Merging is not something we're looking into.

Closing for now.

PS. You @'d someone who I don't believe has ever been in the Vienna Ruby Community