I'm trying to use eigenvalue solver and I am getting the following error messages.
Here is the code
import pyviennacl as p
import numpy as np
A = np.array([[1, 8, 3],[3, 4, 3],[2, 6, 9]])
# Transfer the system matrix to the compute device
A = p.Matrix(A)
tag = p.linalg.lanczos_tag(num_eig=1)
eig = p.linalg.eig(A,tag)
Its seems like some other users have encountered this problem in the past and it was solved
From this issue posting, it says: "It looks like I had accidentally left that code path disabled during some testing earlier. "
I'm trying to use eigenvalue solver and I am getting the following error messages.
Here is the code
And here is the error messages
Its seems like some other users have encountered this problem in the past and it was solved From this issue posting, it says: "It looks like I had accidentally left that code path disabled during some testing earlier. "
Could this be the same problem?
Thank you.