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FFT experimental? #227

Open cdeterman opened 7 years ago

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

In the documentation it is noted that FFT is experimental. How experimental are we talking about here? If I chose to develop a function that utilizes the FFT here am I able to consider it functional and stable enough for end users? I don't mind updated the API if necessary I just want to be sure the functions operate correctly.

karlrupp commented 7 years ago

Experimental refers to "the implementation passes tests, but the API is not stable, nor do we claim any kind of high performance nor robustness for corner cases."

(a classic implication of a contributed piece of functionality where the contributor is long gone)

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

A follow-up to this initial question. The output of the FFT results in the following output:

input_vec: [16](0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0)
output_vec: [16](28,0,-4,9.65685,-4,4,-4,1.65685,-4,0,-4,-1.65685,-4,-4,-4,-9.65685)

If I do the same thing in R I get the output:

 [1] 28+0.000000i -4+9.656854i -4+4.000000i -4+1.656854i -4+0.000000i -4-1.656854i -4-4.000000i -4-9.656854i 28+0.000000i -4+9.656854i
[11] -4+4.000000i -4+1.656854i -4+0.000000i -4-1.656854i -4-4.000000i -4-9.656854i

Clearly these don't appear to be the same results. Firstly, the R version returns complex numbers. As far as I understand, the OpenCL doesn't support complex data types here correct? If that is the case, how are the numbers returned by ViennaCL actually produced? It is very important I understand the results here before I can produce any downstream use of this functionality.


karlrupp commented 7 years ago

Apologies for the late response... :-/ Because ViennaCL doesn't have 'native' complex numbers, the FFT module uses an interleaved storage format. That is, even entries are the real parts, while odd entries are the imaginary part. In you example above, output_vec[0] and output_vec[1] describe the value 28 + 0*i.

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

Ah, I see now, clever. That said though, I thought OpenCL does have complex numbers. Here I find mention of complex types in the 1.2 version of OpenCL here.

karlrupp commented 7 years ago

complex is a reserved data type. This means that it may be introduced in a future standard as a native data type. Eventually. Or never...

This said, it is possible to just come up with a custom complex data type within OpenCL kernels. The downside is that arithmetic operators are not automatically overloaded. Not a blocker, but not very joyful programming either...

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

One more thought before I close this issue. Is this different if using the CUDA backend? I know CUDA supports the complex data type.

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

It also appears unclear the use for the real_to_complex and complex_to_real functions.

karlrupp commented 7 years ago

The three backends behave in the same way. No complex is used for CUDA. After all, the user API needs to be consistent across all three backends.

real_to_complex interleaves the input vector with zeros (for the imaginary part). complex_to_real extracts the real part (even entries of the input vector) and writes them to the output vector.

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

@karlrupp it has occurred to me, is there a way to convert a real matrix to a complex matrix in viennacl? I only see the real_to_complex method defined for vectors.

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

@karlrupp just curious about the implementation of real_to_complex. This is important as I am trying setup an interface to use these 'complex' data types. How I handle a conversion from a 'real' to 'complex' type is therefore of great interest to me.

karlrupp commented 7 years ago

So what is your intended use? Do you want to compute a 2D-FFT for a matrix?

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

@karlrupp yes, I am looking to interface with clFFT as well which supports 2D-FFT as well. As it would expect a complex matrix (denoted at interleaved) I would like to be able to convert a 'real' matrix in to that 'complex' format which appears to be the case for vectors with real_to_complex.

karlrupp commented 7 years ago

What about plugging the memory handle from a matrix into a vector and then call 'real_to_complex' for that wrapper vector?

cdeterman commented 7 years ago

@karlrupp I think that should work. Would that update the dimensions of the matrix as well or would another matrix need to be initialized from that memory handle?