vientos / vientos-app

vientos progressive web app
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Missing visible projects #56

Closed ralexrdz closed 6 years ago

ralexrdz commented 6 years ago

there is a difference in the number of projects showing in between accounts and when loading app in desktop or mobile. Is not about map zoom.

elf-pavlik commented 6 years ago

please pay attention to a bug which I introduced - personal filter stays saved in state between reloads but decoration of a button currently doesn't get set properly. sometimes you may have personal filter on but button doesn't show it!

ralexrdz commented 6 years ago

is not that, I see proposals changing in between state of personal filter on and off, but projects stays in just 2

elf-pavlik commented 6 years ago

Very likely caused by having some filters enabled and not noticing it, now one can see that some filters stay enabled. Let's close it and see if we encounter that issue again making sure we don't have any filters enabled.