viesti / timbre-json-appender

JSON appender for Timbre
MIT License
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Not respecting :timestamp-opts #24

Closed MiyamotoAkira closed 2 years ago

MiyamotoAkira commented 2 years ago

When I setup code like

(defn init []
    {:pattern  "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX"
     :locale   :jvm-default
     :timezone :utc         #_(java.util.TimeZone/getTimeZone "Europe/Amsterdam")}})

(or with the merge-config! after tas/install)

The appender doesn't seems to respect the changes for the timestamp

MiyamotoAkira commented 2 years ago

The issue is caused by using instant, instead of timestamp_ when preparing the data to be outputted.

viesti commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the issue and the fix! :)

viesti commented 2 years ago

Released the change as 0.2.5, thank you! :)