viesti / timbre-json-appender

JSON appender for Timbre
MIT License
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Extra stack trace lines when using ex-info #28

Closed NoahTheDuke closed 1 year ago

NoahTheDuke commented 1 year ago

Hey there!

When using ex-info, the first couple lines of the stack trace are from this line.


(let [ex (ex-info "asdf" {})]
  (timbre/error ex "asdf"))


That's a lot of stack to get through before reaching the place where I've thrown the exception. Compare this to using an Exception.:


(My apologies, if I make it a code block, there are no line breaks :sob:)

This comes from creating a new ex-info when passed an ex-info. A solution is to overwrite the stack trace with the one from the passed-in ex:

(defn- process-ex-data-map [ex-data-field-fn ex]
  (if (and ex (instance? ExceptionInfo ex))
    (let [cause (process-ex-data-map ex-data-field-fn (ex-cause ex))
          new-ex (ex-info (ex-message ex)
                          (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] {k (ex-data-field-fn v)}) (ex-data ex)))
      (.setStackTrace ^ExceptionInfo new-ex (.getStackTrace ^ExceptionInfo ex))

Nothing else changes, which I think is pretty cool. I don't know a lot about how Java's nested exceptions work, but given the quality of life improvement here, I feel like making this change is worth it.

If you agree, I can open a PR with this fix.

viesti commented 1 year ago

Oof! An excellent find! In hindsight, it should have been obvious that when re-creating an Exception, the original stack trace should have been kept intact, doh! Thank you! :)