There seems to be an error when doing Quad Gantry Leveling and Bed Mesh Calibrate.
There's a pop up error that says:
"get_probe_params() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 was given"
And here is my homing.cfg
{% set x = 0 %}
{% set y = 0 %}
{% set z = 0 %}
{% set a = 0 %}
## Set up variables
{% set center_x = 175 %}
{% set center_y = 175 %}
## Engage trigger variables according to the input
{% if params.X is defined %}
{% set x = 1 %} # for x home
{% endif %}
{% if params.Y is defined %}
{% set y = 1 %} # for y home
{% endif %}
{% if params.Z is defined %}
{% set z = 1 %} # for z home
{% endif %}
{% if (x == 0 and y == 0 and z == 0) %}
{% set a = 1 %} # for x home
{% endif %}
### Homing Actions
# Mandatory clearance moves ------------------------------------------------------
G91 # Relative mode
{% if x == 1 or y == 1 or a == 1 %}
{% if "z" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} # If z is already homed
{% set cur_z = printer.toolhead.position[2]|float %}
{% if cur_z < 15.0 %}
RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Nozzle Clearance...'
G1 Z{ 15 - cur_z } F1500 # move Z up
{% endif %}
{% else %} # but if x is not homed
{% if printer.tool_probe_endstop.active_tool_number|int == -1 %}
RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Nozzle Clearance...'
SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z=0 # Set curent Z position as 0
G1 Z+15 F3000 # move Z up
{% if a != 1 %}
M84 # remove the temporary postions
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if "z" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} # If z is already homed
{% set cur_z = printer.toolhead.position[2]|float %}
{% if cur_z > 200.0 %}
RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Umbilical Clearance...'
G1 Z{ 200.0 - cur_z } F3000 # move Z down
{% endif %}
{% else %}
RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Umbilical Clearance...'
G28 Z
G1 Z+15 F3000 # Move Z up off the bed
{% endif %}
G90 # Asolute mode
# Specific opition moves ------------------------------------------------------------
{% if x == 1 or y == 1 or a == 1 %} # If X or Y is called
RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Home Y...'
G28 Y # Home Y
{% endif %}
{% if x == 1 or a == 1 %} # If X is called
RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Home X...'
G28 X # Home X
{% endif %}
{% if z == 1 or a == 1 %} # If "G28" or "G28 Z" is called
RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Home Z...'
G1 X{center_x} Y{center_y} F10000 # Move the toolhead to the centre of the bed
G28 Z # Home Z
_ADJUST_Z_HOME_FOR_TOOL_OFFSET # Apply toolhead specific Z-offset
{% endif %}
_APPLY_ACTIVE_TOOL_GCODE_OFFSETS # Apply the X and Y toolhead offsets
{% else %}
RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Home Z...'
{% set cur_z = printer.toolhead.position[2]|float %}
{% if cur_z < 15.0 %}
G1 Z{ 15 - cur_z } F1500 # move Z up
{% endif %}
{% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}
G1 X{center_x} Y{center_y} F10000
{% endif %}
G28 Z # Home Z
_ADJUST_Z_HOME_FOR_TOOL_OFFSET # Apply toolhead specific Z-offset
{% endif %}
; Depending on the selected tool at the time of homing, the physical Z endstop position is offset.
; This corrects for that using current tool offset.
G90 ; absolute mode
G0 Z10 F1000
{% set tool = printer.toolchanger.tool %}
{% if tool %}
{% set tool_z_offset = printer[tool].gcode_z_offset %}
{% set probe_z_offset = printer.tool_probe_endstop.active_tool_probe_z_offset %}
SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z={10.0+tool_z_offset|float+probe_z_offset|float}
{% endif %}
There seems to be an error when doing Quad Gantry Leveling and Bed Mesh Calibrate. There's a pop up error that says: "get_probe_params() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 was given"
And here is my homing.cfg ` #########################################################################################
[homing_override] axes: xyz gcode:
Trigger variables
######################################################################################### [quad_gantry_level] gantry_corners: -60,-10 410,420
points: 30,10 30,310 330,310 330,10
speed: 350 horizontal_move_z: 10 retries: 5 retry_tolerance: 0.025 max_adjust: 50
; Depending on the selected tool at the time of homing, the physical Z endstop position is offset. ; This corrects for that using current tool offset. [gcode_macro _ADJUST_Z_HOME_FOR_TOOL_OFFSET] gcode: G90 ; absolute mode G0 Z10 F1000 {% set tool = printer.toolchanger.tool %} {% if tool %} {% set tool_z_offset = printer[tool].gcode_z_offset %} {% set probe_z_offset = printer.tool_probe_endstop.active_tool_probe_z_offset %} SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION Z={10.0+tool_z_offset|float+probe_z_offset|float} {% endif %}
[gcode_macro _APPLY_ACTIVE_TOOL_GCODE_OFFSETS] gcode: ; Apply gcode offsets {% set tool = printer.toolchanger.tool %} {% if tool %} SET_GCODE_OFFSET X={printer[tool].gcode_x_offset} Y={printer[tool].gcode_y_offset} Z={printer[tool].gcode_z_offset} {% endif %}
[gcode_macro TOOL_BED_MESH_CALIBRATE] gcode: {% set tool_z_offset = printer[printer.toolchanger.tool].gcode_z_offset %} G90 ; absolute mode G0 Z10 F1000
Bed mesh knows about the probe offset, but not about the tool offset.