viewflow / django-material

Material Design for Django
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Support for GeoDjango Maps #196

Open psychok7 opened 8 years ago

psychok7 commented 8 years ago

Is there any support or plans for GeoDjango Maps in the admin PointField for example?? At the moment i only get the text version SRID=4326;POINT (-4.306640624400504 12.72608429520555)


kmmbvnr commented 8 years ago

How GeoDjango supports them in the build-in django admin?

psychok7 commented 8 years ago

@kmmbvnr In a "normal" Django admin installation you can see an actual map and you can choose an open street maps map for example, by importing from django.contrib.gis import admin and using OSMGeoAdmin. Everything works pretty much out of the box with Django admin


psychok7 commented 8 years ago

To be more specific:

from django.contrib.gis import admin as gis_admin

class SecureOSMGeoAdmin(gis_admin.OSMGeoAdmin):
    openlayers_url = (


class AccommodationAdmin(SecureOSMGeoAdmin):
   pass, AccommodationAdmin) 

The model:

class Accommodation(models.Model):    
    location = models.PointField(srid=4326, db_index=True, blank=True, null=True)
kmmbvnr commented 8 years ago

Mm, yep, that's need to be implemented. The scope of the open version of django-material is to cover the core django functionality.

Thanks for the code examples.

nyejon commented 7 years ago

If you want to display a map you could use some variation of this which has worked for me for now (I'm sure there is a better way to do it so if you know one please let me know!):

    def show_map(self, instance):
        Adds an OSM map to the admin form. (requires leaflet to be included in the base.html and the #mapid css to be configured to specify a height)
        see: for a guide
        html = '<div id="mapid"></div>'
        html += f'<script>var mymap ="mapid").setView([{instance.latitude}, {instance.longitude}], 17);'
        html +=  '''L.tileLayer( 'http://{{s}}{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}.png', {{
                attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>',
                subdomains: ['a','b','c']
                }}).addTo( mymap );
        html += f'''L.marker( [{instance.latitude}, {instance.longitude}] )
                .bindPopup( '<a href="{instance.latitude}&mlon={instance.longitude}&zoom=17" target="_blank">{}</a>' )
                .addTo( mymap );
        return format_html(html)

This assumes you have a latitude and longitude field in your model.. Then add show_map to your readonly_fields and your fieldset and it should show your map in the admin.

This is what it looks like: image

opalczynski commented 7 years ago

Guys, What is the status of this - Will be django geo gis support added to the django-material? in some reasonable future?