viezel / NappDrawer

A side drawer navigation container view controller for Appcelerator Titanium.
MIT License
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Bottom position of drawer wrong on Android 5.1.0 #162

Open arifje opened 9 years ago

arifje commented 9 years ago

The bottom position of the drawer window seems to be negative / lower than the device bottom position.

This causes content inside the window not showing completely (or in my case, the last item of the listView isn't showing 100%).

Example 1: image

When I add the listView to a normal window all items are shown, including the last one. When I position the listView bottom position to 40dp, all content is shown, so it seems like is overflowing for 40dp or something.

On lower versions of Android this issue doesn't seem to appear. Al tested in the simulator!

EDIT: just found out it also happens in Android 5.0.0.

manojdcoder commented 9 years ago

Setting the following attribute in your themes will solve the problem. But it will disable the colorPrimaryDark (status bar appearance).

<item name="android:windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds">false</item>

FokkeZB commented 9 years ago

u saved my day ;)