viezel / NappDrawer

A side drawer navigation container view controller for Appcelerator Titanium.
MIT License
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Bump minSDK to 7.0.0 #205

Closed sgtcoolguy closed 6 years ago

sgtcoolguy commented 7 years ago

@viezel Android native module api level 4 is now slated for SDK 7.0.0 instead of 6.2.0. We've pushed off the V8 update to 7.0.0 release since it'd be a breaking android native module change.

So If you're targeting a release for 7.0.0 eventually (slated for November release, but is our current master branch) you'll want api level 4 and minSDK 7.0.0, with a major version rev bump (so of you, looks like the 2.x line). I had filed a PR that you merged to get ready for this. You may want to move this over to a branch to be ready for 7.0.0 since it'll be a while until it comes out now.

For SDK 4.1.0.GA up to 7.0.0, you'll want minSDK 4.1.0.GA and apiLevel 3, and can keep the current major version rev line you had (1.x)

I apologize for submitting the other PR so early, but we expected the V8 update to ship much earlier (like now).

viezel commented 7 years ago

@sgtcoolguy thank you for this. Are you interested in being a contributor to this repo? I'll gladly add you so you can merge PRs yourselves. I'm not so active in the Appcelerator community anymore, so I could use some help :)