viezel / NappDrawer

A side drawer navigation container view controller for Appcelerator Titanium.
MIT License
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8.0.1.GA Support #221

Open antonioduran opened 5 years ago

antonioduran commented 5 years ago

Hello. Good morning / afternoon.

I am trying to compile the module with 8.0.1.GA, but I am getting the following:

Part of the error message:

[TRACE] : [xcode-sim] In file included from /Users/tailored/NappDrawer/ios/Classes/DkNappDrawerDrawerProxy.m:11:
[TRACE] : [xcode-sim] /Users/tailored/NappDrawer/ios/Classes/DkNappDrawerDrawer.h:14:9: fatal error: 'TiUIiOSNavWindowProxy.h' file not found
[TRACE] : [xcode-sim] #import "TiUIiOSNavWindowProxy.h"
[TRACE] : [xcode-sim]         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[TRACE] : [xcode-sim] 1 error generated.

Full log: trace.txt

Any feedback it is appreciated.

Thanks, and best, Antonio.

caspahouzer commented 5 years ago

It's not TiUIiOSNavWindowProxy.h anymore.

Moved from Ti.UI.iOS.NavigationWindow to Ti.UI.NavigationWindow in order to make it cross platform and deprecated Ti.UI.iOS.NavigationWindow

so the module has to use TiUINavigationWindowProxy.h I think. Feel free to make changes an pull request them

antonioduran commented 5 years ago

Hello @caspahouzer . Good afternoon / evening.

Thank you for the input.

I tried that replacing in all parts the TiUIiOSNavWindowProxy by TiUINavigationWindowProxy, but the compiler still sending the following:

[TRACE] [xcode-sim] In file included from /Users/tailored/NappDrawer/ios/Classes/DkNappDrawerDrawerProxy.m:11:
[TRACE] [xcode-sim] /Users/tailored/NappDrawer/ios/Classes/DkNappDrawerDrawer.h:21:3: error: unknown type name 'TiUINavigationWindowProxy'
[TRACE] [xcode-sim]   TiUINavigationWindowProxy *navProxy;
[TRACE] [xcode-sim]   ^
[TRACE] [xcode-sim] 1 error generated.

Full log: trace.txt

Any feedback it is appreciated.

Thanks, and best, Antonio.

Brianggalvez commented 5 years ago

the problem is that navigationWindow is not exposed to TitaniumKit see this:

antonioduran commented 4 years ago

Hello @Brianggalvez . Good afternoon.

Did you find any workaround to solve the issue? I read the ticket, but there is no update...

Thanks, and best, Antonio.

zo0m commented 3 years ago

Hello, faced this issue when tried to rebuild the module. My workaround is to copy TiUINavigationWindowProxy.h to the module project.