viezel / TiSocial.Framework

iOS6+ Social.Framework. Appcelerator apps are able to share content to Facebook and Twitter.
MIT License
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Titanium SDK 6.0.0 support? #168

Closed netoramalho closed 5 years ago

netoramalho commented 7 years ago

Any plans to support the SDK 6+? Thanks

abdielou commented 7 years ago

This module seems pretty stale...

eemi2010 commented 7 years ago

Hi here. Does this module works with SDK 6+ ? Cheers.

m1ga commented 7 years ago

Did you try it :) ? Working fine with Ti 6.0.1.GA (tested the twitter connection). Since its an iOS module you don't need to recompile it for 6+

frodfigu commented 7 years ago

@m1ga Sure? My app crashes after Save an image (6.0.1 GA)

var foto = $.fotoPerfil.toBlob(); var Social = require('');"Facebook available: " + Social.isFacebookSupported());"Twitter available: " + Social.isTwitterSupported());"SinaWeibo available: " + Social.isSinaWeiboSupported()); if(Social.isActivityViewSupported()){ Social.activityView({ text:"share like a king!", image:foto, //removeIcons:"print,sms,copy,contact,camera,mail", removeIcons:"sms", view: e.source //source button }); }

frodfigu commented 7 years ago

Solved for me...!/api/Titanium.Media-method-requestPhotoGalleryPermissions