viezel / TiSocial.Framework

iOS6+ Social.Framework. Appcelerator apps are able to share content to Facebook and Twitter.
MIT License
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Sharing to Custom Activity causes BAD_ACCESS #178

Open rlustemberg opened 5 years ago

rlustemberg commented 5 years ago

When the completion callback is executed, and the 'complete' event is fired, [self ACTIVITY_CUSTOM] is passed as the activity key to the event before being instantiated.

 NSString *activity = activityType;
      if ([activityType rangeOfString:@""].location == NSNotFound) {
        activity = [self ACTIVITY_CUSTOM];

      NSDictionary *event = @{
        @"success" : @YES,
        @"platform" : @"activityView",
        @"activity" : activity,
        @"activityName" : activityType
      [self fireEvent:@"complete" withObject:event];

I'll provide a PR