viezel / napp.alloy.adapter.restapi

RestAPI Sync Adapter for Titanium Alloy Framework
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How can I pass parameters? #53

Open developer82 opened 9 years ago

developer82 commented 9 years ago

I would like to get a specific user details from my API server. How can I pass parameters with the fetch method with the user id? and possibly username & password?


awamser commented 9 years ago

Passing the ID is done a little different than passing parameters. Id's are usually appended on to the end of the URL while parameters are encoded then passed.<ID>

Passing parameters is done using urlparams.

    urlparams : {
        where : '{"postal_code":"TX"}'
    success : function() {
    error : function() {
        Ti.API.error("hmm - this is not good!");