executing gradlew instead of gradle
> Task :flywayInfo FAILED
The Project.getConvention() method has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 9.0. Consult the upgrading guide for further information: https://docs.gradle.org/8.2.1/userguide/upgrading_version_8.html#deprecated_access_to_conventions
The org.gradle.api.plugins.Convention type has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 9.0. Consult the upgrading guide for further information: https://docs.gradle.org/8.2.1/userguide/upgrading_version_8.html#deprecated_access_to_conventions
The org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPluginConvention type has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 9.0. Consult the upgrading guide for further information: https://docs.gradle.org/8.2.1/userguide/upgrading_version_8.html#java_convention_deprecation
to test the downgrade we can use the wrapper ./gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties and change the version
gradle flywayinfo --warning-mode all
Error Trace:
Answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76777878/project-getconvention-method-has-been-deprecated or wait for next gradle version, it should be fixed. or downgrade...