vifm / vifm.vim

Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
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How do I install and use this as a vim module with e.g. vim-plug? #15

Closed pmorch closed 6 years ago

pmorch commented 6 years ago


I've tried using the default vifm debian package in Ubuntu 18.04. But it doesn't include the help :-(

I then tried to use this as a standard vim module using "vim-plug" - a popular vim plugin manager that I use. (The most popular? At least accordring to e.g. slant). Vim-plug works for every other plugin I've encountered out there.

But when I add this to my .vimrc

Plug 'vifm/vifm'

it clones the plugin into the plugins dir, but :Edit<tab> doesn't doesn't show :EditVifmas the plugin documentation will have me believe. I notice that the vifm subdir of the plugins dir is a configure/make guy and hasn't been built. "configure/make/make install" later (with a custom prefix) and I can run $PREFIX/bin/vifm. :help works too.

But entering vi and :Edit<tab> still doesn't show :EditVifm.

So I know how to build vifm from source but not how to use this as a plugin...

In my vim plugins dir, I tried:

rm -rf vifm
cp -a $PREFIX/share/vifm/vim/ vifm

because there is a $PREFIX/share/vifm/vim/plugin/vifm.vim file, but when I run vi now, I get this error:

Error detected while processing /home/peter/.vim/plugged/vifm/plugin/vifm.vim:
line   50:
E117: Unknown function: vifm#globals#Init
Press ENTER or type command to continue

And so now I ask here: What is the way to use vifm with a plugin manager?

pmorch commented 6 years ago

Wups. My bad. This got it working:

- Plug 'vifm/vifm'
+ Plug 'vifm/vifm.vim'