vifm / vifm.vim

Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
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After replace netrw with Vifm, vim doesn't clear the screen properly #44

Open ImperadorSid opened 4 years ago

ImperadorSid commented 4 years ago

After replacing netrw with vifm, the terminal is not cleaned properly.

Steps to run the problem: 1) Install vifm.vim 2) In an empty vimrc file, disable netrw and enable the g:vifm_replace_netrw flag 3) Run the command vim . in a terminal. 4) After the vifm opens inside the vim, :quit to exit 5) Vim will open an empty file, :quit again 6) The terminal will not be cleaned properly

System: Linux Mint 19.3 Shell: fish and bash Terminal: alacritty and xterm Multiplexer terminal: tmux (or none) Vim version: 8.2.827 Vifm version: 0.10.1 Vifm plugin commit: 5b6291f4ed4f964ac12a467e9fa8cceeaee23043 (on May 26, 2020)

Below I’ll send a screenshot of the issue image

xaizek commented 4 years ago

With vifm.vim being the only plugin in Vim 8.2.801 with such ~/.vimrc:

let g:loaded_netrw       = 1
let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = 1

let g:vifm_replace_netrw = 1

I don't see any issue in xterm.

All that the plugin does is basically running :silent !vifm. It even follows that with :redraw!. I don't think it can do anything more here. Also vim doesn't open current directory automatically for me, so I did vim ..

Great report, by the way.

ImperadorSid commented 4 years ago

Manually testing the :silent !vifm and :redraw! inside vim, it works perfectly, as shown in the screencast I made.

Link to the screencast

xaizek commented 4 years ago

I misunderstood you initially, I see it now. Thanks. Maybe something can be done about it if it's not an artifact of running external applications inside Vim's autocommand.