vifm / vifm.vim

Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
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Buffer with this name already exists #66

Closed AckslD closed 8 months ago

AckslD commented 2 years ago

I sometimes get the following error:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>48_StartVifm:
line   87:
E95: Buffer with this name already exists

but then vifm opens normally anyway. Anyone else have the same issue or know why it happens?

xaizek commented 2 years ago

Looks like neovim (but not Vim) doesn't allow multiple terminal buffers with identical name, you get the message when you try to open second Vifm buffer.

Buffer name matters only if you see it (default one is long an ugly), maybe should append something like (1) to avoid name clashes.

qadzek commented 8 months ago

I receive the same error message when I first use Vifm.vim inside Neovim as a netrw replacement, then open Vifm.vim inside a split.

Steps to reproduce:

I don't get this error when I specify a directory, instead of using the dot to signify the current directory. E.g. $ nvim my_dir.

xaizek commented 8 months ago

It happened only in Neovim because that part of the code runs only in Neovim. The plugin appends suffixes now.

@infinitewhileloop Not sure if that's the same issue, your steps don't work for me, but it might be due to a different Neovim version. Please open a new issue if it's still not fixed for you.

qadzek commented 8 months ago

I have updated the plugin and the error seems to be gone. Thanks a lot for the fix.