vifm / vifm.vim

Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
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Weird vertical lines in the smaller pane #68

Closed JRavi2 closed 2 years ago

JRavi2 commented 2 years ago

In the pane with a lesser number of lines, weird vertical lines are rendered (see screenshots below). image image

While using vifm directly, this issue is not encountered.

JRavi2 commented 2 years ago

Tried using the plugin in a minimal init.vim file, the issue doesn't seem to persist. I then tried incrementally disabling some plugins, and the root cause seems to be the IndentLine plugin. I guess the plugin is adding vertical lines after each Tab.

Is there any way to avoid this other than removing the Plugin altogether?

xaizek commented 2 years ago

Try adding this to your vimrc:

augroup NoIndentLinesInTerminals
    autocmd! TerminalOpen * :IndentLinesToggle
augroup End

This really is an issue with IndentLine. IndentLine should never be enabled for terminal buffers at all, because it makes no sense to have it there.

JRavi2 commented 2 years ago

Yup, that fixed it! Thanks for the help! I agree that IndentLine shouldn't be enabled for terminal buffers, will probably bring this issue up to them. Closing the issue.