vifm / vifm.vim

Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
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VIFM bulk-rename dual-pane mode issue #82

Closed homie-desktop closed 1 year ago

homie-desktop commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm having problems with vifm bulk-rename capability. Whenever I select multiple files using shift+v, I then press cw to bulk-rename those selected files, vifm then uses neovim to edit the file names, and it always opens in dual-pane mode (as seen in the screenshot below) so I always have to manually press ctrl+w+o or enter the command :only to put it in single-pane mode. Is there a way to automatically open in single-pane mode only? I've tried adding the :only command in my .vifmrc and .vimrc files but it still open in dual-pane mode. Thanks!


xaizek commented 1 year ago

Hi. This is done by Vim plugin. is about the same, but solution there doesn't seem to work anymore for some reason. Adding this to Vim/NeoVim config should work:

augroup VifmRename
    au! FileType vifm-rename only
augroup end
homie-desktop commented 1 year ago

Hi. This is done by Vim plugin. #39 is about the same, but solution there doesn't seem to work anymore for some reason. Adding this to Vim/NeoVim config should work:

augroup VifmRename
    au! FileType vifm-rename only
augroup end

Thanks! It worked. As always, quick to respond and issue solved.