vifm / vifm.vim

Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
325 stars 18 forks source link

install notes for vim 8 #89

Closed clach04 closed 12 months ago

clach04 commented 1 year ago

Once vifm was installed, I found it easier to install using vim 8 package (not tried with nvim):

git clone ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start/vifm

where bundle is the existing plugin name space I have.

Worth a PR?

I happen to be on debian so vifm was a quick

sudo apt install vifm
xaizek commented 1 year ago

Worth a PR?

Feel free to send one or I can update the README.

clach04 commented 1 year ago

xaizek commented 12 months ago
