vifraa / gopom

A maven pom.xml parser written in Go.
MIT License
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Minor Update #1

Closed rmcguinness closed 3 years ago

rmcguinness commented 3 years ago

I'm working on a Maven utility and ran across your implementation. I really like the way you handled the properties! Please take a look at these minor updates and let me know if you're interested in merging or not. There's a lot more to do when it comes to property expansion, but I think this is a good start.

Added a function for resolving property names.

Made a generic struct for GAV and GAVT types to extend a NormalizedName() and ToURL() on resolvable types.

Gave the GAVT ToURL() resolver the default type if empty.

Added test cases to verify behaviors.

rmcguinness commented 3 years ago

I am going to work on this a bit more, I'd really like to get to a POM that executes the properties and this may be done with a utility class such as EffectivePOM